I'm lost once more...· I thought this device would be an easy one, but go figure..· Can anyone shed some light on why I cannot get this device to do anything beyond light up with the logo screen and sit·there?· I downloaded and tried/tweaked and teared with the uOLED_128 and demo object...· Didn't do anything I hadn't tried, although it's nice and I appreciate the object and hope to use it when I get this figured out.. I have simplified to about as simple as I can think by putting the display on my prop demo board wired up with the power and serial...· it lights up and sits there.. nothing I can send it seems to have any effect..
I've tried sending ascii commands, hex, making sure to wait for the unit to stabilize before sending commands, changing pins on the prop...· and so on..·
Anyone have any insight?·
I've tried sending ascii commands, hex, making sure to wait for the unit to stabilize before sending commands, changing pins on the prop...· and so on..·
Anyone have any insight?·
All is well.
And the screen is very cool.
I bought the 96x64 version from them and it's great. Here's some videos of it with the propeller:
- jason
Post Edited (Jason Hickner) : 6/26/2007 9:19:58 AM GMT
Nice demos!
For the Wii nunchuck, how many axises does it support? Also where did you find the info on reading the data from it?
For the Oled, how quickly can you write pixels to the screen? How quickly can a you fill an entire screen with pixels? (This one would be for anyone else too) where you can you purches oled screens?
My back-of-a-napkin estimation is that, for the full 96x64 screen, at the fastest baud rate, you could send 1-2 frames of 16 bit color, and maybe 2-3 frames of 8 bit color, per second. Anything faster than that would need to be preloaded into the onboard memory (so you'd need to get a model with memory).
This is entirely a limitation of the oled controller, rather than the screen itself; the controller was designed to display simple graphics commands, not 30fps video.
It is certainly the perfect display for my applications... The requirements for memory are much less for the serial interface than the video objects for the prop.. and you can build some pretty neet user interfaces with it that look great.. I built a nice little mp3 player using it a prop and the vmusic2 board and a 200mah lipo battery and dc-dc 3.3-5v from sparkfun..