MCPC1225A Proportional Controller-Microcontroller Based Can Some One Give Point
Hi EveryOne
I found this Crydon Web Site and·I would like to know if any one has used this before
Can Some One Give Pointers On how to control this with a Basic Stamp any
If·I use Options A and use a Digatil Pot would this work
Here is the Data Sheet for this Unit·
I have a Project In mind if i get this to work
MCPC1225A Proportional Controller-Microcontroller Based
InPut ·8-32 Volts
Options A is 0 to 5 volts Control IN
OutPutDC 0.15-25 Amps
RMS 48-140 Volts RMS
··Thanks for any·
·that you may have and all of your time finding them
Post Edited (sam_sam_sam) : 6/22/2007 9:26:49 PM GMT
I found this Crydon Web Site and·I would like to know if any one has used this before
Can Some One Give Pointers On how to control this with a Basic Stamp any
If·I use Options A and use a Digatil Pot would this work
Here is the Data Sheet for this Unit·
I have a Project In mind if i get this to work
MCPC1225A Proportional Controller-Microcontroller Based
InPut ·8-32 Volts
Options A is 0 to 5 volts Control IN
OutPutDC 0.15-25 Amps
RMS 48-140 Volts RMS
··Thanks for any·
Post Edited (sam_sam_sam) : 6/22/2007 9:26:49 PM GMT
This should work for you.
This does not really need a digital pot; you could use an ordinary 500 ohm to 1K pot for manual control.
Or, if you didn't want to buy the digital pot, use the Stamp's PWM command, filtered with a capacitor, as shown in the help file.
Tom Sisk
Thank You for your Reply
I am going to try this Demo Code and see what the results that i came up and i will let you know
' {$STAMP BS2}
' {$PBASIC 2.5}
' Connect a voltmeter (such as a digital multimeter set to its voltage
' range) to the output of the circuit shown in the figure for the PWM
' command (in the manual).· Run the program and observe the readings on
' the meter. They should come very close to 1.96V, then decrease slightly
' as the capacitor discharges. Try varying the interval between PWM bursts
' (by changing the PAUSE value) and the number of PWM cycles to see their
' effect.
· PWM 0, 100, 10······················· ' PWM at 100/255 duty (~50 ms)
· PAUSE 1000··························· ' wait one second
· GOTO Main
··Thanks for any·