Robot power, looking for some advice...
Here's what I've got:
4x HB25's
4x 12v HN 175RPM Gear Head Motors (from
1x Parallax Servo Controller
1x 12v 4500ma NiHM battery pack
1x 7.2v·3500ma NiHM battery pack
1x BoE w/BS2px powered·by 6v 2000ma battery pack (4x 1.5v rechargable NiMH)
Here's what I'm trying to do:
I'd like to be able to power up and down the HB25's and Servo Controller from my Basic Stamp for a robotics project I'm working on.··The 12v·battery is dedicated·to the HB25's and the 7.2v battery is dedicated to the Servo Controller.· The 6v runs the BOE/Stamp and sensors.
I'd like to buy a relay control board or build a simple circuit that I could drive from the 5v logic on the basic stamp.· Does anyone have any suggestions on devices or components that would suite this purpose?
4x HB25's
4x 12v HN 175RPM Gear Head Motors (from
1x Parallax Servo Controller
1x 12v 4500ma NiHM battery pack
1x 7.2v·3500ma NiHM battery pack
1x BoE w/BS2px powered·by 6v 2000ma battery pack (4x 1.5v rechargable NiMH)
Here's what I'm trying to do:
I'd like to be able to power up and down the HB25's and Servo Controller from my Basic Stamp for a robotics project I'm working on.··The 12v·battery is dedicated·to the HB25's and the 7.2v battery is dedicated to the Servo Controller.· The 6v runs the BOE/Stamp and sensors.
I'd like to buy a relay control board or build a simple circuit that I could drive from the 5v logic on the basic stamp.· Does anyone have any suggestions on devices or components that would suite this purpose?
- Stephen
Thanks for the correction.
Any other thoughts on a solution for the power?
Post Edited (Matt White) : 6/22/2007 5:42:06 PM GMT