the folks on the forum are great at helping out, but you have to give a few details!
1. How are you powering the stamp? Are you using a carrier board?
2. Are you using a usb-serial converter? which one? did you load the driver?
3. did you buy or make the serial cable? is it a straight-through or null cable?
4. Are you running Windows or Mac?
I'll bet that shortly after you give this information, you'll have the solution to you need. The Editor is a very stable product, it will work.
roboman said...
The BASIC Stamp Editor (version 2.2) won't detect my BS2.
I had a similar problem.· Turned out to be that I hald the Palm Desktop software installed on my PC and it was hogging the COM port.· If you have that software, you may want to uninstall it.· I did, and then it worked great.
Another thing to check is to go into your BIOS settings and make sure your ports are turned on.
Hello there, I was wondering if anybody might know about a little issue I am having currently. This is my first attempt into the robotics world, but my basic stamp editor is not detecting my basic stamp BS2. After I do the identify part of the program to see my basic stamp, it does not show it. It shows yes under loopback and echo, but does not show anything as the device. I deselected the FIFO Buffers in my com port settings, but that did not change anything. I installed the stamp version 2.1, and 2.3 but both are the same. Would anybody know what else I can try besides calling the help line? I work during the daytime hours thus I do not usually have that ability. Any help if deeply appreciated. Thank you.
Okay, I feel really stupid, I decided to go over it again and realaized that the stamp wasn't set down far enough. I pushed it down all the way and it worked like a charm.
I had this happen... and I found out that I had an RS-232 cable that wasn't quite "normal". Looks can be deceiving... I ended up hacking it up and making a solderless breadboard compatible cable out of it. IE; (4) .100 spaced pins on one end. I showed that cable who was boss...
Funny how sometimes it can be the simplest things that go wrong.
I'm having problems communicating between my PC and my Professional Development Board. My PC is running XP and is connected through the USB. I have the BS2 chip installed in the board. I had the same setup functioning properly earlier, but for some reason it no longer works. When I try and run a simple program to flash an LED, the BASIC Stamp Editor returns an error message which states: "No BASIC Stamps found." I have also tried using the serial cable and it returns the same message. When I turn on the power for the Professional Development Board the blue LED next to the ON/OFF switch lights up, as well as the LED under the number 1 on the Pulse Generator. I have reinstalled all of the software, including the USB driver, and it still doesn't work. Any help would be much appreciated.
If it was working and recently stopped perhaps something happened to the module. Do you have a second BS2 Module you could connect to verify? What circuit was connected when it stopped responding?
▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔ Chris Savage Parallax Tech Support
I have both a BS2p40 and a BS2px and they don't work either. I think I was trying to do the light controlled Theremin circuit from the StampWorks book when it stopped working. I'm not 100% sure though, when it broke I put the project on hold for a little while and I'm not just getting started back up. Thanks for all you help.
Are you connecting the other modules with the circuit still attached? If so, remove all connected circuitry…Something also could have happened to your USB drivers…Have you tried the board on another PC? Had to reread your message since there are three different problems posted in this same thread. It gets confusing. You should always start a new thread for unrelated issues.
▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔ Chris Savage Parallax Tech Support
the folks on the forum are great at helping out, but you have to give a few details!
1. How are you powering the stamp? Are you using a carrier board?
2. Are you using a usb-serial converter? which one? did you load the driver?
3. did you buy or make the serial cable? is it a straight-through or null cable?
4. Are you running Windows or Mac?
I'll bet that shortly after you give this information, you'll have the solution to you need. The Editor is a very stable product, it will work.
Tom Sisk
Another thing to check is to go into your BIOS settings and make sure your ports are turned on.
Good luck.
"We keep moving forward, opening new doors, and doing new things, because we're curious and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths." - Walt Disney
Funny how sometimes it can be the simplest things that go wrong.
I'm having problems communicating between my PC and my Professional Development Board. My PC is running XP and is connected through the USB. I have the BS2 chip installed in the board. I had the same setup functioning properly earlier, but for some reason it no longer works. When I try and run a simple program to flash an LED, the BASIC Stamp Editor returns an error message which states: "No BASIC Stamps found." I have also tried using the serial cable and it returns the same message. When I turn on the power for the Professional Development Board the blue LED next to the ON/OFF switch lights up, as well as the LED under the number 1 on the Pulse Generator. I have reinstalled all of the software, including the USB driver, and it still doesn't work. Any help would be much appreciated.
Chris Savage
Parallax Tech Support
Chris Savage
Parallax Tech Support