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LCD Difficulties- — Parallax Forums

LCD Difficulties-

propnutpropnut Posts: 5
edited 2007-06-19 14:42 in Learn with BlocklyProp
I can't get any response from my LCD display at all- nothing, no dots, cursor, nothing.
Any ideas, anyone? I've included a scan of the schematic, and code. We're actually using a BS2sx w/ board of education , and not the board shown. The main difference is the lack (w/ the BoE) of the 220 ohm resistors, and the 5v power from the regulator on the BoE.
My LCD is an HD44780 with 16 char x4 line display, hooked up as per the schematic. The schematic is from Predko's 123 robot projects in the Evil Genius series.
Disregard the line wrap issues in the code- mine's all typed w/ comments where they belong- after the code, on the same line.
Can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong here?
Upon reviewing many 44780 data sheets, it appears that the commands in Predko's initializing the lcd may be somewhat in error- Seem like the command to set the data length to 8 bit, 1 line and 5x7 characters should be $30 (%00110000), not $1C (00011100).
This book does contain a few errors, I've noticed
I've also attached my actual code- as I first ran it-
Any thoughts?
Thanks PAul
695 x 1909 - 107K


  • propnutpropnut Posts: 5
    edited 2007-06-18 17:22
    I just realized why the commands seem wrong- the order ofthe data bus is reversed, as seen in the schematic. Hello.... I'll shut up now...
  • propnutpropnut Posts: 5
    edited 2007-06-19 14:42
    Just to help anyone in the same frustrating boat as I was- I got the lcd working- the problem was the contrast control- I had a voltage divider pot, and the LCD contrast input only wanted about .25 volts to be visible! any more than that, and it faded into invisibility, and clearly, I'd never turned the voltage all the way down.
    I can't believe how much time I wasted messing around trying to get it to work when this was the only problem. But now it does, and everything is good. At least I now know how to properly initialize one of them, after re-writing the initialization part ot the program (unnecessarily).

    Post Edited By Moderator (Chris Savage (Parallax)) : 6/19/2007 9:55:32 PM GMT
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