I have done this…Assuming you’re using our display the most important thing is to never connect the LCD directly to the serial port. I have posted the proper schematics at the following link. Once you have the hardware connected properly there’s no initialization necessary. When you send ASCII characters to the display they will appear. Turning on the backlight or things like that simply require sending the correct command byte as per the documentation. I hope this helps. Take care.
I have done this…Assuming you’re using our display the most important thing is to never connect the LCD directly to the serial port. I have posted the proper schematics at the following link. Once you have the hardware connected properly there’s no initialization necessary. When you send ASCII characters to the display they will appear. Turning on the backlight or things like that simply require sending the correct command byte as per the documentation. I hope this helps. Take care.
Chris Savage
Parallax Tech Support