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License of Propeller Library — Parallax Forums

License of Propeller Library

Chris MerckChris Merck Posts: 55
edited 2007-06-15 02:50 in Propeller 1
What is the license covering the sources comprising the Propeller Library?

I especially want to know if the code may be included in a GPLed project, with the Parallax copyright notice of course.

Thank you,


  • Ken GraceyKen Gracey Posts: 7,387
    edited 2007-06-15 02:31

    Uh, um, let me check with the lawyers. Wait a minute - we don't have any on our staff! Makes it easy to answer this question.

    Use it all, license free. Not sure about the copyright license and how to handle it, but the code is yours to use, modify, and reproduce. We're just selling chips. It'll be another approach if a competitor produced a Propeller clone that utilized an identical architecture and ran our code examples, and that hasn't happened yet.

    In all of our legal research, the most important protection we have is prior art. That's established by publishing our examples, articles, and some open-source distribution wherever we can. We're an open business, so this fits our approach just fine.

    If you need a formal written statement just let me know. We'll add one to our web site at some point.


    Ken Gracey
    Parallax, Inc.
  • Chris MerckChris Merck Posts: 55
    edited 2007-06-15 02:50
    Thanks for the prompt reply! I appreciate the positive attitude continually upheld by your team at Parallax. Consider me a life-time customer.
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