Scribbler Line Following Troubles
My instructor purchased two Scribbler 'bots for use in our programmable controls class. We are having problems with them following lines. We have tried using the printouts from the CD from both inkjet and laserjet printers, and black electrical tape, nothing works. You enter either the test or line follow mode and pass the Scibbler over the lines and the LED's do not indicate that it is sensing. I have also tried the program in the BS2 hackers folder and monitored the sensor in the debug window. Anybody else having trouble. Just watched the line follow video and I wish ours would react like that.
The line sensors are calibrated to a specific height so it is important that the line be flat on a smooth surface and there be no modifications to the wheels which might affect their height. The line needs to be made of a material that does not reflect IR light. We have found instances of printers (mainly photo printers with metallic ink) which have a reflectivity almost as high as white paper. If you go to the observation deck within the GUI can you see the sensors working properly when you move the scribbler over a line? When sitting on the line/paper what do the sensors report in the observation deck?
Chris Savage
Parallax Tech Support
I tried mine on some low carpet (even though it says not too!·
If you are on a slick surface, you may want to tape you sheets together to the floor otherwise your scribbler will slide them around.
Good luck!
"We keep moving forward, opening new doors, and doing new things, because we're curious and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths." - Walt Disney
Phil, Thanks for the tip on the black masking tape!
"We keep moving forward, opening new doors, and doing new things, because we're curious and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths." - Walt Disney