Error message on Startup of Stamp Editor V2.3
Vern Graner
Posts: 337
Ok, so this morning I upgraded to the most recent version of the Basic Stamp Editor program (ver 2.3) from the previous build I was using (V2.2.6). Now, I am receiving the following error message on each startup:
I can hit "continue" a few times and eventually I get into the editor.. but I was wondering if anyone else has seen this and/or if parallax folks might have a tip as to whats up. [noparse]:)[/noparse]
Post Edited (Vern) : 6/11/2007 5:29:55 PM GMT
I can hit "continue" a few times and eventually I get into the editor.. but I was wondering if anyone else has seen this and/or if parallax folks might have a tip as to whats up. [noparse]:)[/noparse]
Vern Graner CNE/CNA/SSE | "If the network is down, then you're Senior Systems Engineer | obviously incompetent so why are we Texas Information Services | paying you? Of course,if the network | is up, then we obviously don't need Austin Office 512 328-8947 | you, so why are we paying you?" ©VLG
Post Edited (Vern) : 6/11/2007 5:29:55 PM GMT
Chris Savage
Parallax Tech Support
Do you still have v2.2.6 on your computer?· Does it run properly still?· I'm not sure what could be causing it, but if it always happens at the editor's startup-up, I may be able to narrow it down to something.· Would you have the time to try a test program (something I would write and send you) to help us diagnose it?
--Jeff Martin
· Sr. Software Engineer
· Parallax, Inc.
I'd be happy to perform diags or something if you guys need me to. One of my gigs is software QA so I'm familiar with gathering debug data etc. [noparse];)[/noparse]
PS: First to report.. does this mean I win a cookie or something?
I had the same problem yesterday with 2.2.6. I·use that version for a long
time and have never seen that error before. It's gone today.
I'm using a Dell lap top.
Chris Savage
Parallax Tech Support
Ed, do you have any idea what changed between the time that it gave you that message and when it started working fine again?
--Jeff Martin
· Sr. Software Engineer
· Parallax, Inc.
Yes, please reinstall v2.2.6. You can leave v2.3 on there as long as you allowed it to install in its default path (they are always built to not interfere with each other's installation files so that multiple versions can be used on the same machine at the same time).
I'm curious if you get the same message or not with v2.2.6, since Ed said he did get that message for a short time.
--Jeff Martin
· Sr. Software Engineer
· Parallax, Inc.
I have no idea what changed. As far as I know, nothing changed. The lap top I'm using is a stable
machine and no SW/HW has been installed recently except of course the regular Windows / Virus updates.
The error did not appear anymore. A glitch on June 10-11 .. related to the date?
I find it very strang that Verne and I experienced the very same error within 24 hours with two different
version of the program and diff. machines.
I still use version 2.2.6
I have narrowed it down to my multi-card reader (cf/sd/mmc type).
It seems that when it is connected via usb, there is a problem with startup, and I receive the message as stated.
If I don't have it plugged in, the software starts fine.
I am guessing!! that because there appear to be "new" drives added since the install and without media in them, the software has a wobbly.
As mentioned, that is just a guess, but the software errors certainly resolve once I remove that USB card-reader and restart the software.
Yesterday the problem re-occured after I had added a new USB Hub.
Will test again tonight without the Hub.
Today - one day later - the problem is gone again! With or without the hub, no error.
I think you got it right, a new device triggers this funny error which disappears later.
A brain·teaser ·for Parallax technical support?
Post Edited (Skywalker49) : 6/18/2007 6:15:28 PM GMT
Same issue on a stable desktop Win XP (Home ed) and it started when I changed a USB card reader out and added an extra HD for more storage space for a different program. I was 2.2.6 and am now at 2.3.8 and it does the same thing. I am going to guess at a latent registry entry that is persistent to the editor as it makes no difference if you un-install or install over the top of. I can repeat the error every time by making a drive letter change with a hardware device (add or remove)
Thanks and I really love you products!!
Chris Savage
Parallax Tech Support