MOSFET Characteristics
What do MOSFETS do?· He is what I·gathered/deduced, please tell me if this is incorrect.· MOSFETs are transistors with a varying output (not just on/off) depending on the voltage applied to the gate.· The gate doesn't have to remain the same for the output to be the same (can be left unconnected and resistance will not change).· Is the voltage applied to the gate let into the output somehow or is the output only from the collector (where the non-changing voltage goes in)?· Please let me know if any of this terminology or info·is wrong.· Sorry for all the questions, but I want to get things straight before I try to make a projet with them. (use the PWM command of a BASIC Stamp to control voltage to a motor.)· Is it possible to over saturate the gate?
· Thank You in advance for any help!!
D Faust
D Faust
D Faust
As they relate to Stamps and micros in general, the MOSFET is controlled by a voltage on the gate, a NPN/PNP is controlled by a small current flowing in the base circuit.
Typically MOSFETS should have the gate pulled down to 0 volts with 10K-20K resistor to prevent unwanted turn-ons. When purchasing MOSFET's, check the gate voltage required for full turn-on, it can be as high as 18-20 volts which causes design pain with 5 volt devices.
There many MOSFETS specifically designed for use with 5 volt logic levels on their gates. IRL510 and IRL520 are very stable and I've used hundreds with Stamp circuits.
A side benefit for MOSFETS is that they will easily and safely share current properly when connected in parallel. Bipolars require good design to share current in parallel.
Tom Sisk
D Faust
Related to general use with the Stamp, we usually want full on or full off. That is, either 0 volts on the gate or some high (5 volts) value which turns the device full on. Up to the device safe maximum, there is no harm in having a gate voltage higher than required for minimum Rdson. That value will vary from device to device.
Tom Sisk
D Faust
Paul Baker
Propeller Applications Engineer
Parallax, Inc.
Post Edited (Paul Baker (Parallax)) : 6/7/2007 5:54:08 PM GMT
D Faust
Paul Baker
Propeller Applications Engineer
Parallax, Inc.
MOSFET Amplifier Large Signal Analysis
Think Inside the box first and if that doesn't work..
Re-arrange what's inside the box then...
Think outside the BOX!
D Faust