Web Control of BASIC Stamp
Posts: 4
I'm trying to send commands to my BASIC Stamp from a remote PC via Ethernet and my PINK module, and I realized that I should try to build in some failure modes into the control algorithm so my outputs don't remain high if no one is manning the control computer.· Is there any set variable on the PINK module that indicates whether or not someone is viewing the webpage stored on its FTP server?· I looked in the manual but was unable to find a variable defintion that matches what I need (there's a variable which indicates refresh status, but that isn't what I need).· If there isn't a variable that does what I need, does anyone have any solutions to determining if the page is being viewed using the other available variables on the PINK?
- Stephen
- Stephen
You can certainly put a big red STOP button on the webpage, but if there is a problem at the motor, that's where it needs to be handled as a last resort.
Another method is to force a request when the browser leaves or closes the page (Google: javascript onunload).
Requests can be sent to the server using JavaScript (Google: javascript submit) to submit a form, which can be empty if you like.
If all this sounds like Greek, O'Reilly has graciously posted the entire texts of its essential HTML, JavaScript and "Ajax" references. Go check 'em out!