The answer is, sort of…If you were to connect everything on a BOE-Bot the way it is connected on the Scribbler then in theory it would work since both robots use the BS2. One thing you would have problems with is the wheels since the motor controller in the Scribbler works differently than the servos on the BOE-Bot. Take care.
▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔ Chris Savage Parallax Tech Support
If you have a program built with the Scribbler Program Maker GUI, you can use the button on the GUI tool bar to reveal the BS2 code.· If you read the pin declarations, you will see how you would have to wire up your Boe-Bot sensors to its BS2 in order to use some of the GUI's programs.· But since the two robots are not exactly alike, it would probably be best to use the Scribbler's BS2 programs as a guide to writing similar programs for a Boe-Bot.·
The Boe-Bot Robot Kit does not come with the same set of sensors that are built into a Scribbler robot.·But, you could purchase an extra photoresistor for the Boe-Bot, and and you could also buy a QTI line-follower kit and use two of the sensors to perform line-following.· The Boe-Bot does not have a stall-sensor like the Scribbler does, though.
As Chris mentioned, the motor control is different for the Scribbler. It has a coprocessor, so if you give it a wheel·movement command, that command will keep the wheels moving until you give it a different command.· With the Boe-Bot, the servo motors must receive a pulse every 20 miliseconds to keep moving.·
Chris Savage
Parallax Tech Support
Chris Savage
Parallax Tech Support
The Boe-Bot Robot Kit does not come with the same set of sensors that are built into a Scribbler robot.·But, you could purchase an extra photoresistor for the Boe-Bot, and and you could also buy a QTI line-follower kit and use two of the sensors to perform line-following.· The Boe-Bot does not have a stall-sensor like the Scribbler does, though.
As Chris mentioned, the motor control is different for the Scribbler. It has a coprocessor, so if you give it a wheel·movement command, that command will keep the wheels moving until you give it a different command.· With the Boe-Bot, the servo motors must receive a pulse every 20 miliseconds to keep moving.·
-Stephanie Lindsay
Editor, Parallax Inc.
It is for those who cannot resist opening the unit up (thereby voiding any warranty) and accessing the available I/O lines for repurposing. Take care.
Chris Savage
Parallax Tech Support