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Using PULSIN to decode VEX rcvr pulse train - Page 2 — Parallax Forums

Using PULSIN to decode VEX rcvr pulse train



  • blank264blank264 Posts: 3
    edited 2007-08-04 03:04
    I tried the hardware solution but I havent figured out how to see what the controller is sending to the receiver. The software solution appears to work but my values dont fall on the right channels. could you please post your current code? I think my timing is off.
  • LawsonLawson Posts: 870
    edited 2007-08-09 17:24
    Blank254: the final code from Cparker is just the data capture section of the code. To be useful it needs at minimum the code below to find the index pulse for you.

    'Find the indes of the sync pulse
    FOR N = 0 TO 6
      IF temp(N) > 2000 THEN exit
    'N now contains the index of the start pulse
    'to get the index of, say, Channel = 2
    'use "(N+Channel)//7" To access the temp array
    'assumes Channel is from 1-6

    so to get a value for channel one you'd use "temp((N+1)//7)" (i hope expressions work for array indexing) If you get any 0 or 1 values in the temp array that means that the timing is off. Add another "random" statement or even a "pause 1" to solve this.

    Lunch cures all problems! have you had lunch?
  • blank264blank264 Posts: 3
    edited 2007-08-16 01:51
    thanks ill have to try it next time i put it all together. Robotics is making me broke so i have to put it down for a little while.
  • cparkercparker Posts: 14
    edited 2007-08-18 22:40
    Update. Here is a video of our father/son summer geek project. This is just a protoytype (I know it's not pretty). We have a larger chassis on the way. We've learned a ton about motor control over the last few weeks. Some highlights:

    Link to video:

    1. We're using the vex 6-channel radio and receiver. We're decoding the vex pulse with the BS2 pretty well. It glitches now and then. It can probably be smoothed over with some defensive coding. Autonomous rather than manual control is more our goal, so we don't really need 100% smooth radio control.

    2. The chassis is a Tamiya Construction Crawler. It's a good platform, though it's a little small. It has two tiny little 3v motors, one for each tread.

    3. We're using the L298 Motor Driver Kit from solarbotics. I added a heat sink on to the L298, and it gets very hot after operating for about 20 mins

    4. We're using 6 2500 mAH batteries for the motors, and a separate 9v for the stamp (common grounds of course). We hit the common-newbie pitfall of the stamp resetting when the motors were drawing a lot of current. With the separate batteries we see no resets

    5. We're using the PWMPAL to generate pulses to the motor driver's enable lines in order to control speed. We're using the other 4 control lines to control direction.

    Our new chassis is a 1:12 scale tank. 32" long, 12" wide, so we'll have plenty of room for sensors. We want to integrate the ping, and maybe a metal detector along with a crane/electro magnet to gather metal objects.

    The most fun part (for me) was developing the code that translates radio stick movement to motor control (spin vs. slight steering right/left etc).[noparse][[/noparse]url]
  • slashsplatslashsplat Posts: 63
    edited 2007-09-21 23:40
    I am hearing a lot more about this VEX radio now that they are available for about $30 at

    More info here:

    Does anyone have a rudimentary pinout diagram and more details on operational code? This would be a great upgrade to publish here for RC of the Boe-Bot...

    /* Ira Chandler */

    Post Edited (slashsplat) : 9/22/2007 12:17:44 AM GMT
  • slashsplatslashsplat Posts: 63
    edited 2007-09-22 13:15
    Quite definitive document from Jon Williams on Stamp code and the specs:

    /* Ira Chandler */
  • Tom CTom C Posts: 461
    edited 2007-09-22 19:32

    I think that if you read the article a little more closely you will find that the code is for a SX28 and not a Basic Stamp.

    I am the one who started this thread in the first place to be able to do the VEX receiver conversion with a Basic Stamp instead of the SX28.

    Just a thought.


    If you are going to send·a Robot·to save the world, you·better make sure it likes it the way it is!
  • slashsplatslashsplat Posts: 63
    edited 2007-09-23 00:56
    Oh yeah. I saw that. And even toyed with the idea of going over to the other side (SX). But it IS a really valuable resource to see the dynamics of interpreting the stream. Wanted to make sure nobody missed it.

    And here is a little more from another source:

    Granted, it is another system, but each resource can have just one little piece of critical info...

    /* Ira Chandler */

    Post Edited (slashsplat) : 9/23/2007 5:47:19 PM GMT
  • slashsplatslashsplat Posts: 63
    edited 2007-09-29 16:01
    The VEX are available again from allelectronics - $29.95 each:

    The shopping cart seems to be a bit broken, but they say they are in stock.

    /* Ira Chandler */
  • Tom CTom C Posts: 461
    edited 2007-09-29 19:59

    The VEX transmitter\receiver comb can be purchased on eBay for around $10 plus shipping.

    Why pay $30 plus shipping?

    Just a thought.


    If you are going to send·a Robot·to save the world, you·better make sure it likes it the way it is!
  • slashsplatslashsplat Posts: 63
    edited 2007-09-30 01:07
    On eBay, they are Buy It Now at $14.99 plus $14.95 freight. Bids start at $13.99 best case with $14.99 shipping.
    I am sure somebody occasionally offers one for $10, if you are willing to wait.
    AllElectronics shipping is only $7 for any quantity, and I get other stuff there in the same order...
    (But their shopping cart is broken right now for FireFox so use IE.)

    /* Ira Chandler */
  • proftoyproftoy Posts: 5
    edited 2007-10-20 04:13
    I have noticed considerable time has been spent in the decoding of the Vex Receiver from
    the posts I have read.· Did anyone try the BS2 code ?· Did it work ?· How about the hardware solution with the 4017 ?· I would like to use this for our robotics classes here in Montana.
  • Beau SchwabeBeau Schwabe Posts: 6,568
    edited 2007-10-20 23:12
    I tested the hardware solution, and I was close... It would have worked but Ch1 combined the SYNC with the Received pulse width value.(All other channels were fine)· A simple inversion to the clock signal going into the 4017B did the trick.


    I have included a Propeller Spin File that I used to generate a VEX signal based on the documentation that Jon Williams provided here...

    The attached images show what the Output from the 4017 looks like...

    dcp_2140 shows a pulse width of 1uS when the VEX width is 500uS.
    dcp_2141 shows a pulse width of 2uS when the VEX width is 1500uS.

    The "additional" width comes from the Servo frame pulse which has a fixed width of 500uS.· The result is the fixed 500uS width plus the width of the Vex pulse. This is ok though, because in most cases there's no further translation that you need to do in order to drive a standard servo that expects a pulse width ranging from 1mS to 2mS. In fact, you could drive a servo directly from the pin of the 4017B without having to go through a microprocessor. You only need to do that if you want to further condition the signal or use it for something other than a servo.

    Beau Schwabe

    IC Layout Engineer
    Parallax, Inc.

    Post Edited (Beau Schwabe (Parallax)) : 10/21/2007 1:52:40 AM GMT
  • Beau SchwabeBeau Schwabe Posts: 6,568
    edited 2007-10-20 23:44
    dcp_2135.jpg - Signal at Pin #15 of the CD4017B
    dcp_2137.jpg - Signal at Pin #14 of the CD4017B
    dcp_2139.jpg - Simulated VEX signal from Propeller

    Beau Schwabe

    IC Layout Engineer
    Parallax, Inc.
    900 x 600 - 161K
    900 x 600 - 166K
    900 x 600 - 163K
  • proftoyproftoy Posts: 5
    edited 2007-10-21 01:00
    Thank you Beau !·· Nice design.· Just for fun I went through my old radio controlled goodies from years gone by.· I placed a VEX xtal in an old Challenger 620 FM receiver and it worked with the VEX transmitter !· Range was at least 75 feet (from the kitchen wall to my office).· So I must conclude that the VEX is not as complex as I had surmised.· I plan on bread boarding the 4017 circuit soon, thanks again.· Oh, since you are a Parallax guru have you or do you know of a complete program listing for the BS2 solution to the VEX receiver.
  • Beau SchwabeBeau Schwabe Posts: 6,568
    edited 2007-10-21 01:37

    "...have you or do you know of a complete program listing for the BS2 solution to the VEX receiver." - None other than what is in this thread.

    There really shouldn't be a myth to the VEX signal. The VEX signal is just as typical as any other multiplexed transmitted signal. The only thing that VEX didn't do is add the extra layer of hardware that·we are used to working with that de-multiplexes the channels into nice neat ordered positions. I have an 8-Channel Futaba transmitter that has nearly the same style of signal. The only difference is that the on-times are 300uS instead of 500uS, and the SYNC pulse is 2mS rather than 9mS.

    Beau Schwabe

    IC Layout Engineer
    Parallax, Inc.

    Post Edited (Beau Schwabe (Parallax)) : 10/21/2007 5:20:56 AM GMT
  • proftoyproftoy Posts: 5
    edited 2007-10-21 18:20
    Beau and others who have put such an effort out to accomplish the BS2 solution,

    For some unknown reason I can not view all the posts in sequence to extrapolate the complete working program.· I wonder if others are experiencing this as well ?· Can someone post·the complete working BS2 code to demodulate (TDM) the VEX receiver.

  • proftoyproftoy Posts: 5
    edited 2007-10-23 23:44
    Let me rephrase my question,· Does anyone have a copy of a complete working program for the Parallax BS2 which interfaces with the VEX receiver ?· Could you please post it ?· Thank you.

    Chuck in Montana
  • Beau SchwabeBeau Schwabe Posts: 6,568
    edited 2007-10-24 05:47

    The program that Lawson posted looks like it would work (clever use of RCTIME by the way Lawson) ... The only changes that he made were at the SYNC detection. I can't test his program at the moment but the code looks pretty straight forward, it should work.

    Beau Schwabe

    IC Layout Engineer
    Parallax, Inc.
  • Beau SchwabeBeau Schwabe Posts: 6,568
    edited 2007-10-24 17:21

    I think some of the timing with various commands and the way that they operate have been misinterpreted.· Last night I did a series of timing tests for various commands and configurations.

    The method I used to time each command is below
    [b]'Command Timing:[/b]
    OUTPUT 0
    TOGGLE 0
    'Command or sequence under test goes here

    By placing a scope on pin 0, each Period will contain TWO passes of each command under test, so to get the time of one pass, simply divide the Period measured on the scope by two.
    To create a baseline, run the minimal loop without any commands under test.· All subsequent tests will subtract this baseline time value.
    [b]'Baseline Timing:[/b]
    OUTPUT 0
    TOGGLE 0

    ·The general timing for each command and configuration using a BS2 and the method mentioned above is as follows:
    [b]Timing Summary:[/b]
    RCTIME Pin,0,temp     260uS ; temp defined as a WORD
    RCTIME Pin,0,temp(0)  356uS ; temp defined as a WORD
    RCTIME Pin,0,temp(N)  379uS ; temp defined as a WORD , N defined as a NIB
    RCTIME Pin,1,temp     262uS ; temp defined as a WORD
    RCTIME Pin,1,temp(0)  358uS ; temp defined as a WORD
    RCTIME Pin,1,temp(N)  382uS ; temp defined as a WORD , N defined as a NIB
    RANDOM temp(0)        447uS ; temp defined as a BIT
                          436uS ; temp defined as a NIB
                          425uS ; temp defined as a BYTE 
                          420uS ; temp defined as a WORD
    RANDOM temp           255uS ; temp defined as a BIT
                          244uS ; temp defined as a NIB
                          233uS ; temp defined as a BYTE 
                          228uS ; temp defined as a WORD
    NOP=0                 185uS ; NOP defined as a BIT 
                          179uS ; NOP defined as a NIB
                          176uS ; NOP defined as a BYTE
                          173uS ; NOP defined as a WORD

    [b]'Timming Data:[/b]
    'Time Test1:        'Baseline time required to TOGGLE pin and LOOP
    'OUTPUT 0
    'TEST:              '<-- 404uS
    'TOGGLE 0
    'Time Test2:        'time required to TOGGLE PIN , RCTIME (mode 0 - input pin tied to Vdd) , and LOOP
    'OUTPUT 0
    'TEST:              '<-- 664uS     ; 260uS for the RCTIME command (664uS - 404uS = 260uS) ; temp defined as a WORD
    'TOGGLE 0
    'RCTIME 3,0,temp
    'Time Test3:        'time required to TOGGLE PIN , RCTIME (mode 0 - input pin tied to Vdd) , and LOOP
    'OUTPUT 0
    'TEST:              '<-- 760uS     ; 356uS for the RCTIME command (760uS - 404uS = 356uS) ; temp defined as a WORD
    'TOGGLE 0
    'RCTIME 3,0,temp(0)
    'Time Test4:        'time required to TOGGLE PIN , RCTIME (mode 0 - input pin tied to Vdd) , and LOOP
    'OUTPUT 0
    'TEST:              '<-- 783uS     ; 379uS for the RCTIME command (783uS - 404uS = 379uS) ; temp defined as a WORD, N defined as NIB
    'TOGGLE 0
    'RCTIME 3,0,temp(N)
    'Time Test5:        'time required to TOGGLE PIN , RCTIME (mode 1 - input pin tied to Vss) , and LOOP
    'OUTPUT 0
    'TEST:              '<-- 666uS     ; 262uS for the RCTIME command (677uS - 404uS = 262uS) ; temp defined as a WORD
    'TOGGLE 0
    'RCTIME 3,1,temp
    'Time Test6:        'time required to TOGGLE PIN , RCTIME (mode 1 - input pin tied to Vss) , and LOOP
    'OUTPUT 0
    'TEST:              '<-- 762uS     ; 358uS for the RCTIME command (762uS - 404uS = 358uS) ; temp defined as a WORD
    'TOGGLE 0
    'RCTIME 3,1,temp(0)
    'Time Test7:        'time required to TOGGLE PIN , RCTIME (mode 1 - input pin tied to Vss) , and LOOP
    'OUTPUT 0
    'TEST:              '<-- 786uS     ; 382uS for the RCTIME command (786uS - 404uS = 382uS) ; temp defined as a WORD, N defined as NIB
    'TOGGLE 0
    'RCTIME 3,1,temp(N)
    'Time Test8:        'time required to TOGGLE PIN , 'RANDOM var(0)', and LOOP
    'OUTPUT 0
    'TEST:              '<-- 851uS     ; 447uS for the 'RANDOM var(0)' command (851uS - 404uS = 447uS) ; temp defined as a BIT
                        '<-- 840uS     ; 436uS for the 'RANDOM var(0)' command (840uS - 404uS = 436uS) ; temp defined as a NIB
                        '<-- 829uS     ; 425uS for the 'RANDOM var(0)' command (829uS - 404uS = 425uS) ; temp defined as a BYTE
                        '<-- 824uS     ; 420uS for the 'RANDOM var(0)' command (824uS - 404uS = 420uS) ; temp defined as a WORD
    'TOGGLE 0
    'RANDOM temp(0)
    'Time Test9:        'time required to TOGGLE PIN , 'RANDOM var' , and LOOP
    'OUTPUT 0
    'TEST:              '<-- 659uS     ; 255uS for the 'RANDOM var' command (659uS - 404uS = 255uS) ; temp defined as a BIT
                        '<-- 648uS     ; 244uS for the 'RANDOM var' command (648uS - 404uS = 244uS) ; temp defined as a NIB
                        '<-- 637uS     ; 233uS for the 'RANDOM var' command (637uS - 404uS = 233uS) ; temp defined as a BYTE
                        '<-- 632uS     ; 228uS for the 'RANDOM var' command (632uS - 404uS = 228uS) ; temp defined as a WORD
    'TOGGLE 0
    'RANDOM temp
    'Time Test10:        'time required to TOGGLE PIN , 'NOP=0' , and LOOP
    'OUTPUT 0
    'TEST:              '<-- 589uS     ; 185uS for the 'NOP=0' command (589uS - 404uS = 185uS)  ; NOP defined as a BIT
                        '<-- 583uS     ; 179uS for the 'NOP=0' command (583uS - 404uS = 179uS)  ; NOP defined as a NIB
                        '<-- 580uS     ; 176uS for the 'NOP=0' command (580uS - 404uS = 176uS)  ; NOP defined as a BYTE
                        '<-- 577uS     ; 173uS for the 'NOP=0' command (577uS - 404uS = 173uS)  ; NOP defined as a WORD
    'TOGGLE 0

    Beau Schwabe

    IC Layout Engineer
    Parallax, Inc.
  • Beau SchwabeBeau Schwabe Posts: 6,568
    edited 2007-10-24 22:16
    The PULSIN function is fast enough to decode the VEX signals without staggaring them!!

    Based on my timing above, it was hard to determine the exact execution speed of the PULSIN command.· empirical testing revealed a minimum "ON" time of 215uS and a·minimum "OFF" time of 39uS.· About 4kHz much faster than VEX is able to spit it out.

    [b]'TESTED BS2 VEX Receiver CODE[/b]

    ' {$STAMP BS2}
    ' {$PBASIC 2.5}
    temp VAR Word(7)  'stores raw pulse lengths
    N     VAR Nib     'general loop index pointer
    Sync  VAR Nib
    vex   PIN 0       'this is the pin the VEX reciever is hooked to
    PULSIN vex,0,temp(0)
    PULSIN vex,0,temp(1)
    PULSIN vex,0,temp(2)
    PULSIN vex,0,temp(3)
    PULSIN vex,0,temp(4)
    PULSIN vex,0,temp(5)
    PULSIN vex,0,temp(6)
    FOR Sync=0 TO 7
        IF temp(Sync)>2000 THEN EXIT
    FOR N=Sync TO 6+Sync
    ' Use (N - Sync)//7 to Decode the Channel Number ; Channel Number 0 is the SYNC
    ' Use temp(N//7)*2 to Decode the Channel Value
        IF (N - Sync)//7 = 0 THEN
           DEBUG "   SYNC = "
           DEBUG "Channel = "
        DEBUG DEC (N - Sync)//7,TAB,"Value = ",DEC temp(N//7)*2,"  ",CR
    GOTO Main

    Beau Schwabe

    IC Layout Engineer
    Parallax, Inc.

    Post Edited (Beau Schwabe (Parallax)) : 10/25/2007 5:31:03 AM GMT
  • LawsonLawson Posts: 870
    edited 2007-10-25 04:14
    well! that makes things simpler. I figured it took longer to re-enter a PULSIN. Using PULSIN does simplify the synchronization to the Vex's pulse stream. This same basic code should also work with normal RC receivers if the equivalent signal pin is found.

    most cool,

    Lunch cures all problems! have you had lunch?
  • Beau SchwabeBeau Schwabe Posts: 6,568
    edited 2007-10-25 05:05
    I tried the RCTIME method and could not get stable results. I think only because RCTIME does not have a proper framing reference·for each individual pulse and I was observing a "picket fence" nyquist effect.· RCTIME only looks for a transition from LOW to HIGH or HIGH to LOW, whereas PULSIN looks for a LOW-HIGH-LOW or a HIGH-LOW-HIGH.·· To visualize what I think happens, here is an illustration showing where PULSIN is in relation to the pulse stream vs. where RCTIME is in relation to the pulse stream....

    Beau Schwabe

    IC Layout Engineer
    Parallax, Inc.

    Post Edited (Beau Schwabe (Parallax)) : 10/25/2007 5:24:08 AM GMT
    1263 x 403 - 84K
  • StatikStatik Posts: 4
    edited 2007-10-29 22:01
    Sorry if I'm a little slow here. The circuit you posted, with the 4017, does that provide standard PWM signals that a speed-controller would understand at the 6 outputs?

  • Beau SchwabeBeau Schwabe Posts: 6,568
    edited 2007-10-30 03:47

    If what you are connecting to, be it a standard servo or an ESC expects a 1-2mS input signal, then yes, the 4017 circuit is a complete hardware solution.
    The two images below show the output directly from one of the pins on the 4017 with a 1mS pulse and 2mS pulse·EVEN though the VEX signal was a 500uS pulse and a 1500uS pulse respectively.· Because of the 500uS framing pulse used in the VEX signal... the output result of the 4017 is the sum of the frame pulse·plus the·500uS to 1500uS VEX value.



    Beau Schwabe

    IC Layout Engineer
    Parallax, Inc.

    Post Edited (Beau Schwabe (Parallax)) : 10/30/2007 3:58:58 AM GMT
  • StatikStatik Posts: 4
    edited 2007-10-30 09:12
    Cool. I managed to pickup TWO of the VEX transmitter kits here for $12.99 each (Canadian) at a local shop and I'd love to use them on a robot I'm building with my kids. I'm using surplus windshield wiper motors with 6" wheels mounted directly to them so I needed to be able to interface with an ESC. Thanks again for the great work!

  • StatikStatik Posts: 4
    edited 2007-10-30 23:40
    So, I'm looking around at controllers and I see that the cheapest one I can get is ~$50, and I need two. Then I stumble upon these: . . . am I missing something here? Are these only analog in and not PWM?

  • StatikStatik Posts: 4
    edited 2007-11-01 00:58
    Never mind. I figured it out. They seem to be POT driven, and, of course, they are one direction only. So, to make the equivalent of a ESC you'd need 2 plus electronics which prices them above robotic ESCs.

  • slashsplatslashsplat Posts: 63
    edited 2007-11-02 17:56
    For those who subscribe to CIRCUIT CELLAR, this issue, Nov 2007, has a great article on the Vex Transmitter "Motor Driving for a Robotic Arm" by Jeff Bachiochi.

    /* Ira Chandler */
  • RickBRickB Posts: 395
    edited 2007-11-03 04:22

    If you look at the electrical parts list, you will find some controllers with reverse. It would be good to get more info on the speed control input requirements for these things because they are REALLY inexpensive. Ditto for the motors and other robot related parts.

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