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Robocut — Parallax Forums


edited 2007-09-06 21:57 in Robotics

Seems like Mux Elektronik in Sweden who made Robocut has sold his id


  • Skywalker49Skywalker49 Posts: 172
    edited 2007-05-30 13:53
    Is this the company who sold it or is this the new company?
  • Ken GraceyKen Gracey Posts: 7,407
    edited 2007-05-30 14:25
    I have a RoboCut, but I'm not willing to part with it.

    The operator of is Hans Forsberg and he's still around. I exchanged messages with him a few weeks ago. From our discussion I don't expect to see further RoboCut products on the market. Unfortunately, his version was only a few inches from production before he got sidetracked so it never made it to the market.

    Ken Gracey
    Parallax, Inc.
  • VNSWEVNSWE Posts: 2
    edited 2007-05-31 09:21
    Hej Ken,

    Not sure what you mean with getting sidetracked. But I tried whole winter to get in touch with and no one answered the phone or e-mails. I tried several times. Then finally a month a go (or so) I got hold of them through e-mail and they do not say anything which is odd to my opinion, since the website has been saying (in Swedish) "the project has been transfered to·another owner and sales are stopped temporarily". I do not know how long temporarily is, but a year seem a long time for that.

    But according to you it looks like it never will be on market again.

    Has Parallax bought the rights to it or is it one of the mayour brands on the market that just bought it to close it down, like Electrolux and so on.

    Well, anyway a big pit, I hoped to put one together this winter and now summer is here and it's no idéa for this year, but if someone has it, please let me know if you want to sell it.


  • Ken GraceyKen Gracey Posts: 7,407
    edited 2007-05-31 14:05

    He's been employed by another company, so he was sidetracked from finishing RoboCut. Don't expect him to return calls or e-mail regarding RoboCut. Parallax is not involved with any aspect of RoboCut. I doubt it will be on the market again.

    Ken Gracey
  • Billericay-BoyBillericay-Boy Posts: 28
    edited 2007-09-04 11:44
    Hi, i know this is an old discussion· but the best bit about Pobocut is the applidcation of the Burried Wire Fence. I can do the rest of the project but the Invisable Containment system is pure electronics and eludes me.

    Is there any chance that any one will make and sell either complete or in kit form a burried wire fence system that connects via I2C so we can use it to both contain and track follow.

    Ever hopefull
  • David H.David H. Posts: 78
    edited 2007-09-05 16:49
    I don't know anything about the system, but just to throw an idea out,... I wonder if you could use the system of buried cable used for the "dog fence" system. There must be a signal being sent and received. Just an idea. Good luck!!


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  • Billericay-BoyBillericay-Boy Posts: 28
    edited 2007-09-05 23:33
    The dog collar is the same set up with a signal being sent down a perimiter wire and a detector measurung signal strength and firing different routines at different srengths.

    I have found a couple of designs on the web the UDO5 ·· seems to be the best but electronics is not my thing and it looks like the type of little board that one of the more able electronic pcb people couls make a few boards and sell them as a kit.
  • Brian CarpenterBrian Carpenter Posts: 728
    edited 2007-09-06 21:57
    I picked up a Friendly Robotics lawnmower on ebay for 100 with the intent to hack it. I have not hacked it yet and it takes very good care of my 1/3 acre lot.


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