Too Old Javelins
I'w got hold of two Javelins along with a board of education. Acording to the persom I got them from, they should work. But when I try to program them they wount respond. I'm using Javelin Stamp IDE - Version 2.0.3 and if I select Identify only the Loopback will say YES and I wount get any version number.
I think the problem is that the Javelins are too old to be compateble with Version 2.0.3. They probably are seven years old, because the name of the interpretter chip is SCENIX which changed name to Ubicom in 2000.
I wounder if anyone know if it is possible to do a firware update of the interpretter chip? or have any other idees why they wount respond.
I'w got hold of two Javelins along with a board of education. Acording to the persom I got them from, they should work. But when I try to program them they wount respond. I'm using Javelin Stamp IDE - Version 2.0.3 and if I select Identify only the Loopback will say YES and I wount get any version number.
I think the problem is that the Javelins are too old to be compateble with Version 2.0.3. They probably are seven years old, because the name of the interpretter chip is SCENIX which changed name to Ubicom in 2000.
I wounder if anyone know if it is possible to do a firware update of the interpretter chip? or have any other idees why they wount respond.
regards peter