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Future of propeller — Parallax Forums

Future of propeller

valdikvaldik Posts: 4
edited 2007-05-24 13:21 in Propeller 1
Some where on the net i had read this:
Somebody said...
Parallax is now considering to build a new Propeller with cog's that will run at about 160 MIPS, as opposed to the current 20 MIPS. But there are two possible choices for their new chip, and they are asking customers (on the Propeller forum) what they would prefer to have on the new chip.
* Option 1: 16 cogs with 128KB of hub RAM. Hub access once every 16 clocks.
* Option 2: 8 cogs with 256KB of hub RAM. Hub access once every 8 clocks.
Is this true? What are the plans for Propeller 2. Hydra with 2nd propeller will rock^)
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