Have I burned it up?
Posts: 39
Been playing around with my new BS2... things were going great, then all of a sudden, when I try'n load my program I get 'No basis stamps found'. 'Identify' still get 'yes -yes'. While I have never touched it before, when I pressed down on the stamp I was surprised as to how hot it was.
What did you have hook up to the Basic Stamps Pins
What code where you using
What power supply are you using
You need to give us more Detail on what you where do with the Basic Stamp
What dose the Basic Stamp·do now that it has cool down
Dose the Basic Stamp do now if you power it up
Dose it get hot now with nothing hook to its pins
··Thanks for any··that you may have and all of your time finding them
Post Edited (sam_sam_sam) : 5/24/2007 3:03:54 AM GMT
The code tested pins 10/11 for low/hi, then lit up the LEDs accordingly.
If I turn it·off, wait a bit, then turn it on, within a few seconds the top (where the 'BS2' is printed) get to hot to touch, the bottom part gets hot but I can still touch it.
The code looks like this...
A_solenoid PIN 11
B_solenoid PIN 10
second_gear PIN 12
third_gear PIN 13
fourth_gear PIN 14
prev_gear VAR Byte
·IF···· A_solenoid = yes AND B_solenoid = yes THEN Gear = 1···· ' Set first gear
·IF···· A_solenoid = no· AND B_solenoid = yes THEN Gear = 2···· ' Set second gear
·IF···· A_solenoid = no· AND B_solenoid = no· THEN Gear = 3···· ' Set Third gear
·IF···· A_solenoid = yes AND B_solenoid = no· THEN Gear = 4···· ' Set Fourth gear
·IF prev_gear <> Gear THEN
······ prev_gear = Gear
······ LOW second_gear
······ LOW third_gear
······ LOW fourth_gear
······ IF Gear > 1 THEN HIGH second_gear
······ IF Gear > 2 THEN HIGH third_gear
······ IF Gear > 3 THEN HIGH fourth_gear
······ DEBUG "shift into ", DEC Gear,CR
·PAUSE 100
How·did you have the 2· 5 volt relay hook to the Stamp pins
How·did you have the Leds hook to the·Stamp pins·
What Basic Stamp Board are you using
··Thanks for any··that you may have and all of your time finding them
Post Edited (sam_sam_sam) : 5/24/2007 3:24:24 AM GMT
The NC contacts on the 5v relays·a wired to Grnd. The NO contacts are wired to 5v+. One side of the coils is wired to 5v+, the other to an external switching device. The common pins are·wired to i/o pins 10-11, respectively.
3 of the LEDs are simply wired to pins 12-13-14 (+ side)... - side direct to Grnd.·1 LED is hard wired·to 5v+ and ground.
I am using the 'Board of Education'
This can be found at
Page 84·· What's a Microcontroler ?
········470 Ω
········ 470 Ω
If you hook the leds the way that you have here
3 of the LEDs are simply wired to pins 12-13-14 (+ side)... - side direct to Grnd.·1 LED is hard wired·to 5v+ and ground.
· If you did not put a Resistor in your Led Circuit then you over load the pins
On the Basic Stamp
·The common pins are·wired to i/o pins 10-11, respectively.
What's a Microcontroler ? Page N\A
If you powered the relay the same way then you·Over Load the those
Pins the same way they need a Transistor to drive the relay
You may have damage your Basic Stamp if you hook it the way you said that you did
··Thanks for any··that you may have and all of your time finding them
Post Edited (sam_sam_sam) : 5/24/2007 5:31:37 PM GMT
I do have resistors in the LED's but·I wired the coils of the 2 5v relays such that·1 side is to (switched) grnd and the other is to the 5v Vdd pin on the board. But I think that is where·I messed up. The contact pins are (NC) grnd or (NO) Vdd 5v to i/o pins 10/11. I don't see a problem with that. But here is where I·think I burned it up...
The TCU closes to·Grnd when it commands a solenoid ON. The other side of the solenoid is connected to a constant 12v+. (there a 2 solenoids that operate this way)
I just taped into each wire out of the TCU but as a reviewed my efforts this AM I realized what·think happened is, when I hooked everythink up for 'real' the first time, I instantly fried the unit.
You see, to test, I just held a grounded lead to the switched side of the relay coil(s). LED's worked as desired.
But when I hooked it up 'for real', as soon as I turned the key on, I think the constant 12V wired to the solenoid(s) fedback, through the solenoid coil, throught the wire to the TCU, and my 'taped' wire, through the 5v relay coil, then on into the 5v Vdd pin on the board, in effect, pushing 12v into the 5v Vdd output pin. Of course, I don't know what effect pushing 12v into the 5v Vdd pin has but my best guess is, it's not good.
This, for sure,·ain't my first screw up projecting, no big deal. But I gotta say, fool'n around with this microprocessor stuff (for the first time) is waaay more fun that I had imagined!
I live not far from Parallax so I am going over there this afternoon for a replacement.
OK, on the the "B" model. This one will have no, I repeat, NO common ground between different voltages!
Chris Savage
Parallax Tech Support
Chris Savage
Parallax Tech Support
Attached is the failed "A" model and new improved "B" model. I changed over to 12V relays and placed a diode in front of Vdd. The diode is not really required here but now I am runn'n scared just a bit and really want to 'play it safe'.
Your schematic doesn’t show your power supply system, which, as I understand was part of your initial problem. I would include that as well since car voltages can exceed 14V.
Chris Savage
Parallax Tech Support