Question about 74HC165 (switch inputs) and SX chip
I have been working on my Real Time Clock time setting routine with little luck in getting it right. However, I think I have something that sort of works but not completely. I can get either the SetMins OR the SetHrs subroutines to work independently but when called right after eachother I beleive I am doing something wrong with the 74HC165 switches software coding.
As you can see I am using the StampWorks routines for the 74HC165 and have added 4 pushbuttons to switches.0, switches.1, switches.2 and switches.3 .
The problem is that when it goes through the SetHrs routine, the user presses the 1 pushbutton (now set to a "1" when pushed) to change the hours and it gets displayed and then when finished, the user presses the 0 pushbutton (now set to a "1" when pushed) and it should go to the SetMins routine. However, it goes out of the MENU routine and back into the actual clock scrolling MAIN program. I think this is because it still thinks that the 0 pushbutton is a "1" and perhaps does not get set back to a "0". I don't really know for sure. I have 4 pushbuttons and I also tried useing pushbuttons 0 and 1 for the SetHrs routine and pushbuttons 2 and 3 for the SetMins routine but it worked but when it got to the MAIN scrolling clock program, only the last routine (SetMins) was updated - not SetHrs. I would like to use as few of buttons as possible. It doesn't make sense why I can not use only 2 pushbuttons for each routine (SetHrs and SetMins). Eventually I will also have to set the AM/PM mode, (maybe the SetSecs) as well as setting date properties like day, month, year and date.
Any ideas on what is wrong in my program?
I have also attached the complete program.
Post Edited (T&E Engineer) : 5/21/2007 4:25:37 PM GMT
As you can see I am using the StampWorks routines for the 74HC165 and have added 4 pushbuttons to switches.0, switches.1, switches.2 and switches.3 .
The problem is that when it goes through the SetHrs routine, the user presses the 1 pushbutton (now set to a "1" when pushed) to change the hours and it gets displayed and then when finished, the user presses the 0 pushbutton (now set to a "1" when pushed) and it should go to the SetMins routine. However, it goes out of the MENU routine and back into the actual clock scrolling MAIN program. I think this is because it still thinks that the 0 pushbutton is a "1" and perhaps does not get set back to a "0". I don't really know for sure. I have 4 pushbuttons and I also tried useing pushbuttons 0 and 1 for the SetHrs routine and pushbuttons 2 and 3 for the SetMins routine but it worked but when it got to the MAIN scrolling clock program, only the last routine (SetMins) was updated - not SetHrs. I would like to use as few of buttons as possible. It doesn't make sense why I can not use only 2 pushbuttons for each routine (SetHrs and SetMins). Eventually I will also have to set the AM/PM mode, (maybe the SetSecs) as well as setting date properties like day, month, year and date.
Any ideas on what is wrong in my program?
I have also attached the complete program.
'More coding above and below this. Start: [b]HIGH Load1[/b] ' Set up TimeDate array (this initializes the time/date to 06:15:30 PM 05/11/07 Thu) TimeDate(Secs) = $30 TimeDate(Mins) = $15 TimeDate(Hrs) = $06 ' if modeFlag is set to Hr24, TimeDate(Hrs) = $00 to $23 otherwise $00 to $11 when Hr12 is set TimeDate(Date) = $11 TimeDate(Month) = $05 TimeDate(Day) = $05 TimeDate(Year) = $07 TimeDate(Ctrl) = $00 ampmFlag = PM ' if modeFlag is set to Hr12, ampmFlag is AM or PM modeFlag = Hr12 ' set to either modeFlag = Hr12 or Hr24 For Idx = 0 to MESSAGESIZE ' Clear any previous message Message1(Idx) = " " Message2(Idx) = " " NEXT [b]Menu[/b] SetMode SetTimeAndDate Main: MESSAGESIZE = 16 DO For Color = 0 to 2 If Color = 0 THEN HIGH Green LOW Red ELSEIF Color = 1 THEN Low Green HIGH Red ELSEIF Color = 2 THEN Low Green Low Red Endif WriteTimeToLED WriteDateToLED tmpB1(2) = 1 'scroll Time and Date left tmpB1(0) = 0 'time scrolls on the top row StringWriter tmpB1(0) = 1 'date scrolls on the bottom row StringWriter tmpB1(2) = 1 'scroll 16x16 picture left Pic_Scroll PAUSE 1000 Pic_Scroll2 PAUSE 1000 Clear_Screen Next LOOP END ' ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Subroutine Code ' ------------------------------------------------------------------------- [b]Menu: [/b] HIGH Green LOW Red [b] SetHrs SetMins RETURN[/b] [b]Get_165: PULSOUT Load1, 10 ' load switch inputs SHIFTIN SerData, Clock, MSBPRE, switches ' shift them in RETURN[/b] [b]SetHrs: 'First set Hours TIMESET = TimeDate(Hrs) DO Get_165 IF switches.1 = 1 THEN tmpB4 = TIMESET & $0F IF tmpB4 > $8 THEN TIMESET = TIMESET + 7 ELSE TIMESET = TIMESET + 1 ENDIF IF TIMESET > $12 THEN TIMESET = 0 ENDIF MESSAGESIZE = 4 HEXUPDATE3 TIMESET,0 tmpB1(2) = 1 'scroll Time and Date left tmpB1(0) = 0 'time scrolls on the top row StringWriter ENDIF LOOP UNTIL switches.0 = 1 TimeDate(Hrs) = TIMESET RETURN[/b] [b][/b] [b]SetMins: 'Now set Minutes TIMESET = TimeDate(Mins) DO Get_165 IF switches.2 = 1 THEN tmpB4 = TIMESET & $0F IF tmpB4 > $8 THEN TIMESET = TIMESET + 7 ELSE TIMESET = TIMESET + 1 ENDIF IF TIMESET > $59 THEN TIMESET = 0 ENDIF MESSAGESIZE = 4 HEXUPDATE3 TIMESET,0 tmpB1(2) = 1 'scroll Time and Date left tmpB1(0) = 0 'time scrolls on the top row StringWriter ENDIF LOOP UNTIL switches.0 = 1 TimeDate(Mins) = TIMESET RETURN[/b]
Post Edited (T&E Engineer) : 5/21/2007 4:25:37 PM GMT
My second observation deals directly with the question you raised regarding the quick exit from your second subroutine call. What I think is happening is that when you press the exit button the first subroutine exits immediately and the second subroutine is called while the button is still pressed. The second subroutine should make one pass through your DO LOOP before checking the exit condition. This likely occurs much faster than you could possibly release the button so it exists after only a single pass.
A quick (I have not given much thought to whether or not it is the best) solution would be place a conditional loop to look for the opposite condition between the two subroutine calls (or at the end of the change settings subroutine if you chose to combine them). Basically you need to look for the '0' button to be released before you enter another subroutine that will also be expected to terminate as soon as it sees the '0' button is pressed.
You should be aware that if your push buttons are not electrically debounced it is entirely possible that your software could see hundreds of electrical transitions for a single press of the button. If that is the case, you will need to "debounce" the buttons in software. A quick fix might take the following form, though I am sure there are other ways to accomplish the same result.
I hope this helps.
- Sparks
Thanks Sparks!
I will let you know my findings.