Using 100 ohm resistors with the Propeller - isn't this bad?
Julie Marie
Posts: 3
Hi All,
I am a new Propeller user. I was working my way through the labs today. During the second one (Fundamentals: I/O and Timing Basics) I experienced a problem running the program "IncrementOuta.spin". The LEDs would count upward in binary up to about 10 or so and then they would all go dark.
After some basic troubleshooting to ensure that the circuit itself was not at fault - I had run a few dozen other programs on this successfully - I read through the Propeller data sheet. I was VERY surprised to see that the Manual (p. 15, Table 1.1) recommended not to source/sink more than 100ma total across any group of I/O pins at once, nor more than 30 ma per pin.
Well, if you are running a Vdd of 3.3V through 100 ohm resistors, this is 33 ma per I/O pin - and three LEDs lit up at once consume 99 ma. The fourth LED to light up would certainly exceed this limit. This looks strangely similar to the problem that I experienced.
Now, I have two questions:
(1) Is this a known problem that has just not been corrected yet in the labs?
(2) Have I permanently damaged my Propeller chip (and if so, what are the chances of getting another one)?
I am going to use higher value resistors from now on with my SPARE chip that I wisely ordered!
This aside, I love this little chip and its capabilities! Thanks, Parallax - but please help me with this minor issue here. If I have done something wrong, please let me know.
I am a new Propeller user. I was working my way through the labs today. During the second one (Fundamentals: I/O and Timing Basics) I experienced a problem running the program "IncrementOuta.spin". The LEDs would count upward in binary up to about 10 or so and then they would all go dark.
After some basic troubleshooting to ensure that the circuit itself was not at fault - I had run a few dozen other programs on this successfully - I read through the Propeller data sheet. I was VERY surprised to see that the Manual (p. 15, Table 1.1) recommended not to source/sink more than 100ma total across any group of I/O pins at once, nor more than 30 ma per pin.
Well, if you are running a Vdd of 3.3V through 100 ohm resistors, this is 33 ma per I/O pin - and three LEDs lit up at once consume 99 ma. The fourth LED to light up would certainly exceed this limit. This looks strangely similar to the problem that I experienced.
Now, I have two questions:
(1) Is this a known problem that has just not been corrected yet in the labs?
(2) Have I permanently damaged my Propeller chip (and if so, what are the chances of getting another one)?
I am going to use higher value resistors from now on with my SPARE chip that I wisely ordered!
This aside, I love this little chip and its capabilities! Thanks, Parallax - but please help me with this minor issue here. If I have done something wrong, please let me know.
But I still wonder about the resistor values in the labs. The current output driving the LEDs exceeds the stated ratings. Shouldn't this be fixed?
My guess is your battery isn't providing enough voltage to power all the LED's. What battery and/or power supply are you using?
I was using a non-alkaline 9V battery. I have since rethought this, and I will most likely use a plug-in power supply. I recently converted a PC power supply to a bench supply - and since this supplies 3.3V I will probably migrate to using that, plus a much-larger proto-board. This will dramatically simplify things and give me more room for other components and a second Propeller as well.
I must say that the Propeller sure does make microcontroller programming fun again! I have a Wytek board and as nice as it is, I prefer the Propeller. My first real project with the Propeller will be to interface it to a Maxim MAX1030 ADC and have it serve as an I2C embedded controller. Additionally, I plan to have a whole lot of fun with this cute little chip - the possibilities seem so endless!
Thanks Again,
Julie Marie
An alternative to an actual screen or something to use in the mean time is the propterminal program, it can emulate a TV, keyboard and mouse and does it all through the usb programming lead, the only effort is downloading it and changing which files you use for the tv object.