ethernet programming
Has anyone programmed the Javelin stamp over an ethernet network? I have various machines which run on the Javelin stam and I am tired of always mooving the computer around the plant in order to go program them.
Andrea Zaccagnino
Andrea Zaccagnino
running Remote Desktop (winxp). If you can provide each of your javelins with a
permanent connection to a local pc comport, you could program them all
from a single pc·with Remote Desktop (if these pc's are not used by others).
For this to work, the local pc's must have a javelin ide directory.
Or use the javelindirect tool to download a jemfile.
JavelinDirect v1.2
regards peter
Post Edited (Peter Verkaik) : 5/15/2007 8:09:54 PM GMT
I will let you know what I find out!!