Nichia RGB Full Color chips
I have been playing around with the Nichia RGB chips.· They are fascinating.· The chip is an SMD with three pins on each side, about .250 square, with a red, green and blue LED.·I using the BS2 driving a ULN2003 to light the LEDs.
By taking the appropriate pins HIGH, you can get seven colors - blue, red, green, yellow, magenta, cyan and white.· If you PWM the pins, not only can you fine tune the seven colors but you can also get two more colors - orange and pink.· That's nine colors.· I have made some adapters for the chip on a 6-pin DIP platform that will plug into a breadboard.· I also made an adapter with special pins that will plug into a 6-pin DIP socket, but they are a bit of a pain.·Resistors for each LED is a bit critical - for the C version I am using 68 ohms for red and 47 ohms for blue and green.· LED current for all colors is about 17 to 21 ma.· I have some A version chips that are using the same resistor values but they are a bit dim.· I intend to cut the values in half as soon as I get the resistors.· Don't really have an application for this chip yet but maybe I'll think of something.
PWMing each LED takes one I/O port per LED so I'm limited to about 4 or 5 chips.· If I go with the HIGH approach I could drive 10 or 12, using·daisy-chained ·595 shift registers to drive the 2003s, which would only use 3 Stamp pins.
You can probably get samples of the C or D version from Heather at·
Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, and today is a gift.
That is why they call it the present.
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By taking the appropriate pins HIGH, you can get seven colors - blue, red, green, yellow, magenta, cyan and white.· If you PWM the pins, not only can you fine tune the seven colors but you can also get two more colors - orange and pink.· That's nine colors.· I have made some adapters for the chip on a 6-pin DIP platform that will plug into a breadboard.· I also made an adapter with special pins that will plug into a 6-pin DIP socket, but they are a bit of a pain.·Resistors for each LED is a bit critical - for the C version I am using 68 ohms for red and 47 ohms for blue and green.· LED current for all colors is about 17 to 21 ma.· I have some A version chips that are using the same resistor values but they are a bit dim.· I intend to cut the values in half as soon as I get the resistors.· Don't really have an application for this chip yet but maybe I'll think of something.
PWMing each LED takes one I/O port per LED so I'm limited to about 4 or 5 chips.· If I go with the HIGH approach I could drive 10 or 12, using·daisy-chained ·595 shift registers to drive the 2003s, which would only use 3 Stamp pins.
You can probably get samples of the C or D version from Heather at·
Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, and today is a gift.
That is why they call it the present.
Don't have VGA?