Excellent! That will definately work for what I'm looking to do. will that regulator that you recommended to me be beefy enough to supply the needed current? The reg was 1A, and IIRC, that's a ton of current considering what we're doing with it. [noparse]:)[/noparse]
When it comes to calculating total current using the above schematic as an example, I would need to calculate values for both resistors, use 5vDC as the voltage and multiply by 10 for the total current used by the entire tester, correct? Do the inverters use current as well? How would I go about calculating that or is that value found on the datasheet of the inverter being used?
Well Ive got bad news and good news, the bad news is the high power versions of inverters still limit the total current per package to 50mA. The good news is Toshiba makes single gate high power chips, they are surface mount but so·are your LEDs:
When it comes to calculating total current using the above schematic as an example, I would need to calculate values for both resistors, use 5vDC as the voltage and multiply by 10 for the total current used by the entire tester, correct? Do the inverters use current as well? How would I go about calculating that or is that value found on the datasheet of the inverter being used?
http://www.toshiba.com/taec/components2/Datasheet_Sync//169/7285.pdf·You probably want the F not the FU package since it's bigger and easier to deal with.
Since you need to get some parts that we dont carry, purchase the regulator from wherever you get the inverters, you'll save on shipping.
Paul Baker
Propeller Applications Engineer
Parallax, Inc.
Post Edited (Paul Baker (Parallax)) : 5/20/2007 6:45:39 AM GMT