Can you boot propeller from an EEPROM smaller than 32K?
Dennis Ferron
Posts: 480
I have an "orphan" extra propeller chip and I've been having trouble finding a 32K EEPROM for it. What happens if you try to use a smaller EEPROM? Will the Propeller load code from it ok? Will it work with the Propeller tool?
As an extreme example, I even have a 1K EEPROM; I don't expect that to actually work but I am interested in how small you can go.
As an extreme example, I even have a 1K EEPROM; I don't expect that to actually work but I am interested in how small you can go.
it should be possible to use a smaller EEPROM, if the size of your code does not exceed the EEPROM size. I have it not tried yet.
But the problem is, that you can not use the Prop Tool to program the EEPROM while it always write 32KB to EEPROM. So you need a special tool where you could be control the size to write the EEPROM.
I've since taken apart that project to use my PropStick in other projects. But there is no reason it should require any propeller-EEPROM for the parallel-EEPROM-burner circuit; you just download a new program to the Propeller RAM every time you burn a new EEPROM. So I can use the bare Propeller chip to do it.
If you consider that the cost of the cheapest EEPROM burner I have been able to find for sale is $99, then being able to use a $12 Propeller and a breadboard is a very cost effective EEPROM burning solution.