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Max Clock input — Parallax Forums

Max Clock input

bigirvbigirv Posts: 37
edited 2007-06-24 20:43 in Propeller 1
What is the max clock rate that the prop can run at?· Couldnt i use the ne555 I think that what it is to generate a high speed clock rate?· I understand that high clock rates will cause heat.

Post Edited By Moderator (Paul Baker (Parallax)) : 5/14/2007 11:19:23 PM GMT


  • bigirvbigirv Posts: 37
    edited 2007-05-14 23:07
    LM555 TIMER sorry
  • Mike GreenMike Green Posts: 23,101
    edited 2007-05-14 23:16
    Maximum guaranteed clock rate is 80MHz. One vendor sells a Propeller on a substrate that uses a 96MHz clock and it should work fine with that except at extremes of temperature and supply voltage. In both cases, the clock is internally generated from a 5MHz (or 6MHz) crystal using a PLL that multiplies it by 16. Others (the Hydra) have used a 10MHz crystal with an 8x PLL to generate the same system clock rate. You can also use an external oscillator to supply the clock with or without the PLL.

    Clock rates up to 96MHz don't generate significant heat. The higher clock rates do require more power.

    The NE555 (or other similar timers) are not suitable for high speed clock generation or timing very short intervals. Check the datasheet for specifics since it does vary a bit from manufacturer to manufacturer and from specific model to specific model.

    Parallax has done some experiments with pushing the clock rate, including refrigerating the chip to see how fast it could go and what part of the chip·would fail first.· I don't have links to the discussion.· You might try searching the Propeller forum.

    Post Edited (Mike Green) : 5/14/2007 11:20:45 PM GMT
  • Paul BakerPaul Baker Posts: 6,351
    edited 2007-05-15 00:27
    The handfull of chips I have tested were all capable of 100MHz operation, shortly thereafter they die off (105-115 MHz). LM555s are not designed to generate the high frequencies you are thinking of. Using a 6MHz crystal with a 16xPLL to obtain 96MHz operation is typically a good bet.

    Of course we don't provide any warantee that any particular chip is capable of anything beyond 80 MHz.

    Paul Baker
    Propeller Applications Engineer

    Parallax, Inc.

    Post Edited (Paul Baker (Parallax)) : 5/15/2007 12:33:48 AM GMT
  • bigirvbigirv Posts: 37
    edited 2007-05-15 03:58
    what is a PLL and where can i find one, also were in the world can i find a qfn socket for the usp to serial adapter?
  • Paul BakerPaul Baker Posts: 6,351
    edited 2007-05-15 04:52
    The PLL is built into the Propeller, it acts as a clock multiplier. QFN sockets are not for ordinary design and cost $50-$100 apiece. The Prop Plug is the recommended USB to Propeller·interface:

    Paul Baker
    Propeller Applications Engineer

    Parallax, Inc.
  • bigirvbigirv Posts: 37
    edited 2007-05-15 18:38
    ok i apologize if this isnt the right place, but my application for the prop will be a game consol.· My goal is to use a 4 prop chips for audio, video, central processing, and storage. maybe one for input to havent decided. but is it possible to use all 8 cogs to run the same program for video output?· Also would it be possible to do 3d later on after i get a 2d version working or would i need another prop for that or a different chip?· Thanks for everyones help.
  • Mike GreenMike Green Posts: 23,101
    edited 2007-05-15 19:29
    Have you looked at the Hydra? It is specifically marketed as a game development system and comes with a lot of games and a huge manual with tutorials on game development, particularly the video side of things. The games use a joystick or a mouse and/or keyboard. They're generally designed to output standard video and monaural audio. The Hydra has all the I/O interfaces on the board as well as an expansion bus for plugging in extra memory cards or for building special purpose I/O.

    Typically the Prop's 8 cogs get divided up amongst various I/O tasks. One does the audio. One does the keyboard and/or mouse. One or more do the video output. There are routines available to do PC compatible I/O to an SD flash card that usually use a cog to do the low level high speed I/O. Each Prop cog is pretty fast so often only one is needed for the main computational task.

    You can run several independent video outputs if you want. Each takes one or two cogs and a group of 4 I/O pins. The main limitation is that of memory. There's only 32K bytes total available for the program, its data, and any video buffers needed. The cog's 2K byte memory is too small to hold the video routines and a screen buffer. Some versions store a line of two of video in the cog's memory. That's about all that's available.

    You can produce VGA video with the Prop, but, because of the higher resolution and video rate, it takes more cogs to generate it. The minimum is two cogs. There's a 1024x768 resolution driver that handles mixed text and graphics, uses 2 cogs for the video and optionally an additional cog to handle an overlaid cursor. The graphics area is limited by available bitmap video buffer space (in the 32K). Practically, the largest area is 512x384 in 4 colors. VGA also requires a group of 8 I/O pins. I've had programs that used a VGA display and a separate TV display for debugging information.

    There is a 512K memory expansion card for the Hydra that's almost finished and is intended for use as a graphics buffer (among other things). There will probably be some new video I/O routines that will take advantage of the extra space to do graphics. I don't believe they're done yet, so it's hard to tell their capabilities.
  • bigirvbigirv Posts: 37
    edited 2007-05-15 19:38
    i have kinda looked at the hydra but i was just going to make a console from scratch attempt to any way. I may end up geting the book but thats about it. Do you know if the prop can do 3d or know of a chip that can be used with the prop. I do know that i would probaly have to add ram to do a decent 3d game but thats later in the future. Also does anyone know how to make power supplies im geting confused with finding a transformer and bridge rectifier to use with 5/3.3 volt regulators. I wont need 12v unless i some how manage to interface a cdrom and or hardrive. Speaking of which as anyone attempted that. I may just end up geting alot of flash chips and some how trying to get it to look like its jsut 1 big flash chip to the consol. right now all im gonna do is geting one of each modules of my console built.
  • Mike GreenMike Green Posts: 23,101
    edited 2007-05-15 20:03
    There are no current 3-D routines for the Prop (probably because of the limited memory). There are some I/O drivers for the Hydra for use in constructing driving games that provide a perspective-like landscape using 2-D layering, but they're not really 3-D routines.

    Because of the small amount of +5V needed (if any), it's generally easiest to use a 6V "wall-wart", preferably a switching type. You use a low-dropout regulator to provide the +5V, then a +3.3V regulator running off the 5V output to produce the +3.3V for the Prop and its support circuitry. The Propeller Protoboard's schematic is available from the Parallax Store's webpage ( I'd suggest you just copy the power circuitry.

    Because it's a commodity item, the "wall-wart"s are cheap, readily available, and, if from a reputable vendor, reliable. Radio Shack has a nice 6V 1.8A one (#273-1763) that I've used for a number of projects, but there are plenty of other sources and versions. Mouser carries a similar unit.
  • Mike GreenMike Green Posts: 23,101
    edited 2007-05-15 20:09
    Regarding storage. There's a package of routines in the Propeller Object Exchange for accessing SD flash cards using a Prop. All you need is a socket for the SD card and a couple of resistors and you've got up to 2GB of PC-compatible file storage. It all runs off the same 3.3V supply as the Prop. There are also USB mass storage adapters from Vinculum and GHI Electronics that talk serial I/O to the Prop and allow access to any USB mass storage drive including standard hard drives and cdroms. There are no "ready to go" Prop routines for these, but they're designed to use with just a serial terminal program like HyperTerm.
  • bigirvbigirv Posts: 37
    edited 2007-05-15 20:14
    There is one thing that anoys the heck out of me and thats wall outlets thats why I like how the Xbox 360 is with a 3 prong cord smiliar to a pc power cord that is the way i kinda want to go is jsut use a pc power cord with an external box then the regulators and stuff will be inside the actual console.· I wish everything was like that specialy when a wall outlet takes up 1 neighboring socket on a power strip [noparse]:([/noparse].

    I take it that you dont know of any thing capable of 3d that i could use with the graphics module?· By modules i am going to design it to where its much like expansion cards in a computer jsut not as fast that way all ud have to do is unplug the video module if it goes out and not have ot buy a new console.· Not that im thinking of sales yet lol.

    Is it possible to interface 2 or 3 and make it look like 1 i know ud have to modify the code just curious.· Now as for the sd storage is it better than the compact flash cards?··suchs as this

    Mike thanks for your help, I apreciate it.

    Post Edited (bigirv) : 5/15/2007 8:19:28 PM GMT
  • Mike GreenMike Green Posts: 23,101
    edited 2007-05-15 20:51
    1) The Radio Shack unit I mentioned is very small, only uses 2 prongs, only uses one socket space on a power strip.

    2) 3-D just takes a bunch of memory and processor power. If you really want a 3-D game console, you're probably better off with an embedded PC type unit that takes standard PC graphics accelerator cards or chips.

    3) You can't interface several Propellers and make them look like one. The main issue again is memory. It's pretty easy to get them to talk to one another, but dividing up your computational task so they can work together takes a bit of work and only works for some kinds of tasks (where they can mostly work independently).

    4) SD cards are much better for the Prop than CF cards because the interface is serial rather than an IDE (parallel) interface as in the CF cards. The SD card interface only uses 4 I/O pins. I'm sure the CF cards need something like 20 or more I/O pins.
  • bigirvbigirv Posts: 37
    edited 2007-05-15 20:57
    I ment making the sd card seem as one not the there a way that i could just interface a video card. I do not like the power suplys that have the transformer in the plug assemply. I will go with sd cards now for some more questions can i get a controller chip so i can mount the cards on the board for storage and have one that u stick in and out for the game? Where can i find more infor on embeded pc type consols? or the parts for one?
  • Mike GreenMike Green Posts: 23,101
    edited 2007-05-15 21:20
    There is no controller chip for the SD cards. The Propeller acts as the controller. The Propeller Object Exchange is here: On page 2 is a "FAT file" library. The contents describe how to connect the SD card. Spark Fun Electronics ( sells a breakout board with an SD card socket on it.

    For Embedded PCs, you'll just have to search the web. There are lots of vendors. Here's one example:
  • Graham StablerGraham Stabler Posts: 2,510
    edited 2007-05-16 00:22
    This isn't really games class 3D but Beau did some wire frame 3D in this demo program, the code included can be used for other applications as well:
  • Graham StablerGraham Stabler Posts: 2,510
    edited 2007-05-16 00:23
    oops, he also released a general object:
  • bigirvbigirv Posts: 37
    edited 2007-05-16 03:53
    im realy just shootin for the 3d that the n64 brought and the ps1, not nex gen its way ahead of me and im realy not a fan of 2d games with the exception for Zelda for the SNES.
  • bigirvbigirv Posts: 37
    edited 2007-05-16 16:16
    can i add more memory to the prop for 3d level game as seen in the n64 or ps1 are there any micro controlers that has the power for what im wanting to do atleast for the video side and use the prop for the "cpu" of the console. i know its kinda just using it as a processsor but for me its easier to jsut use it as a processor instead of buyin a cpu that has 500 or so pins. I will look into the embeded pc side to make a console as my 3rd project.

    I found an mps decoder which i will probaly use for the audio module.

    if i add ram would u sugest i try to find some ram chips or just use a sperate sd card for my ram...2 gig of ram for the prop would be cool :P but over doing it maybe
  • Mike GreenMike Green Posts: 23,101
    edited 2007-05-16 16:38
    You can add RAM just like you can add flash memory, but it doesn't work like the built-in RAM. There's the fast 512K RAM I mentioned before that's designed to plug into the Hydra, but could be made to work with any Propeller (see: There's also Ramtron FRAM which comes in sizes up to 64K bytes and you can add up to a total of 512K in addition to or in place of the boot EEPROM. It works just like EEPROM, but it's faster, doesn't have the write delays or limitations of EEPROM. It's still too slow to use for video buffers.

    The SD card stuff ... It's designed to work in place of a hard disk, not RAM. 2GB may seem like a lot, but it's really cheap. I've seen 1GB cards go for $10 and 2GB cards for $20 and prices are likely to continue to drop.

    I really don't think you're going to find any kind of microcontroller designed to do 3D graphics like you seem to want. As I said, this is a major computational task. You will find systems that can run Linux and you should be able to find open source 3D graphics libraries to download and use with it, but you're basically talking about a small desktop system (physically small) with at least a couple of hundred megabytes of RAM and a couple of GB of mass storage (even if it's not a hard disk, but a flash drive). These systems have several megabytes of dedicated video memory and some kind of video accellerator that's directly connected to the video memory and the main processor memory.
  • bigirvbigirv Posts: 37
    edited 2007-05-16 16:42
    about all i could do is something like zelda for the SNES?
  • potatoheadpotatohead Posts: 10,261
    edited 2007-05-16 16:53

    The prop is just not there right now. Software 3D, even with really fast CPU's it not generally an interactive experience. You need a dedicated graphics sub-system to do 3D, particularly with textures, lights and effects of any kind, in real time.

    Better to get a stripped down PC, maybe a shuttle or one of those micro boards, add a modest 3D graphics card and start building from there. You can still design interesting control interfaces, could use the prop for those even, but the processor core needs to be more complex than micros currently are. (which would make them not micros any more)

    If you did this, you could run one of the free DOS systems, Linux, BSD, etc... and craft your own enviornment. The result, apart from the POST test, could be very console like, even sporting carts in the form of flash or USB drives, etc...

    One advantage of Linux is support for older, inexpensive 3D cards. A Matrox card, for example, will deliver fantastic 2D along with respectable 3D. Support for OpenGL, SDL, etc... and a configurable boot environment would be inclusive where crafting a game machine is concerned. Building this stuff up from the ground level is gonna be ugly...
  • bigirvbigirv Posts: 37
    edited 2007-05-16 17:00
    that will probaly be my 3rd project then i dont supose theres any books for this lol? I may use linux as a base since i can get the source code and peek around a little bit to see how things come together.
  • Mike GreenMike Green Posts: 23,101
    edited 2007-05-16 18:05
    There might be some textbooks on this.· Check with your local community college or university to see if they have a computer science course on graphics or video game design.· If so, check with the instructor.· Their bookstore may carry something.· Also browse your local computer superstore or mega-bookstore.· Borders or Barnes and Noble, if large enough, usually have a good size computer science section and there are books on graphics, but I can't suggest any in particular.
  • bigirvbigirv Posts: 37
    edited 2007-05-16 20:11
    well right now i was just talking about the simple OS if it can be considered that such as the one on the ps1 or ps2 Xbox.· I kinda want to try· to do everything my self except soldering together a motherboard for a amd 64 cpu :P.· I emailed the people that u suggested for the embeded system.· Right now i will probaly just do a snes type console using the prop and an mp3 decoder and sd cards for memory.· What kinda ram chips hsould i get to expand the prop a lil?
  • M. K. BorriM. K. Borri Posts: 279
    edited 2007-05-16 20:26
    I would suggest you buy a Hydra and expand on that, personally (incidentally, the control format for the NES and SNES controllers is exactly the same, just the NES pulses out 8 bits and the SNES 16 to acoomodate for the larger number of buttons).

    I've moslly bought Propsticks because they're handy to work with on a custom PCB.


    meow, i have my own topic now? (sorta)
  • bigirvbigirv Posts: 37
    edited 2007-05-16 21:20
    does the hydra book have schematics for the hydra cause im one that likes to put it together if i can. Also i think Andre said that the hydra wasnt capable of doing something like zelda for the snes because of the lack of memory or maybe he jsut ment the pico 2.0 console i want to implement mp3 audio and more memory such as flash so i can have huge 2d games
  • Mike GreenMike Green Posts: 23,101
    edited 2007-05-16 21:37
    The Hydra book has pieces of the schematic. Each section (video, audio, game controllers, etc.) is treated separately.

    I don't know if you'll be able to do MP3 audio without an external decoder and some kind of external memory (like an SD card) because of the memory and processing requirements. One cog ought to be able to feed an MP3 decoder like the VLSI VS1002 from an SD card, but you'll have to be careful about how the MP3 files are stored. They'll need to all fit in one extent and contiguously so. That way, the I/O routines just need the starting sector number on the SD card and won't need to switch extents which requires additional 512 byte buffers.
  • bigirvbigirv Posts: 37
    edited 2007-05-17 03:52
    i allready have seen an mp3 decoder chip on one of the websites u gave me also thinkin about getin the fat chip
  • ForrestForrest Posts: 1,341
    edited 2007-06-24 20:43
    Just wondering if anyone has connected a VS1002 MP3 decoder to a Propeller yet. Here's a complete VS1002 interface board for $20.90
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