Sorry it took so long! (NAVCOM AI UAV/UMV code and schematics here)
Sorry it took so long to post, but they said I had to wait until I got my diploma -- those were supposed to get printed last week, they got printed today, we had graduation saturday and were handed envelopes with a blank sheet of paper inside...
This system turns any RC vehicle into a smart thingy (except helicopters: we don't have a RC helo, so we couldn't try it out there) and was tried on a rc car, sailboat and plane. I am including schematics on how to put stuff together, and source code for everything. In theory this will work with only GPS but you SHOULD add at least a compass, then you can add accelerometers or wind sensors etc. if you want better positioning precision. Note that this is the single-gps version, double gps is still being worked on.
I use the Prop as the CPU, sensors are generally handled by Picaxe 08Ms because they're cheap & have an ADC, but you can use basic stamps if you want (for the compass and accelerometer for example, those are from Parallax), I am including the source code for the sensors too, and BASIC is BASIC. If you think that using NMEA for sensors is awkward -- yes you get less bandwidth, but it was easier to code for and this way you can plug and unplug sensors on the fly (which was especially good for the boat, sometimes one sensor would get splashed & stop working for a few seconds, couldn't allow it to freeze everything else)
Yay! I'm officially an engineer! Does anyone want to hire me?
Oh... this also includes the latest navigational math library (does great circle distances etc.) if any other UAV-crazy person wants to use it, feel free to but DO tell me if you are using it... I will post it by itself later (aka when I'm done being hung over) on the object exchange.
meow, i have my own topic now? (sorta)
Post Edited (M. K. Borri) : 5/16/2007 8:31:32 PM GMT
Sorry it took so long to post, but they said I had to wait until I got my diploma -- those were supposed to get printed last week, they got printed today, we had graduation saturday and were handed envelopes with a blank sheet of paper inside...
This system turns any RC vehicle into a smart thingy (except helicopters: we don't have a RC helo, so we couldn't try it out there) and was tried on a rc car, sailboat and plane. I am including schematics on how to put stuff together, and source code for everything. In theory this will work with only GPS but you SHOULD add at least a compass, then you can add accelerometers or wind sensors etc. if you want better positioning precision. Note that this is the single-gps version, double gps is still being worked on.
I use the Prop as the CPU, sensors are generally handled by Picaxe 08Ms because they're cheap & have an ADC, but you can use basic stamps if you want (for the compass and accelerometer for example, those are from Parallax), I am including the source code for the sensors too, and BASIC is BASIC. If you think that using NMEA for sensors is awkward -- yes you get less bandwidth, but it was easier to code for and this way you can plug and unplug sensors on the fly (which was especially good for the boat, sometimes one sensor would get splashed & stop working for a few seconds, couldn't allow it to freeze everything else)
Yay! I'm officially an engineer! Does anyone want to hire me?
Oh... this also includes the latest navigational math library (does great circle distances etc.) if any other UAV-crazy person wants to use it, feel free to but DO tell me if you are using it... I will post it by itself later (aka when I'm done being hung over) on the object exchange.
meow, i have my own topic now? (sorta)
Post Edited (M. K. Borri) : 5/16/2007 8:31:32 PM GMT
I'm at work, so can't download the source-code - but you can be sure I'll be doing so this evening
Well done.
BTW: I type as I'm thinking, so please don't take any offense at my writing style
You'll always have as many take-offs as landings, the trick is to be sure you can take-off again ;-)
By the way, the schematics are in Multisim/Ultiboard format because that's what we use at uni... if anyone knows of a better/more portable file format for them that isn't just a big bmp, please tell me and I'll convert them [noparse]:)[/noparse]
Thanks for your continuing posts. I pulled your source and my favorite part the memorymap file comment about your project(?) partner
So what field of Engineering are you looking in? I've been in telecom near Dallas for 18 years now and its been a fun ride.
Is it worthwhile to clean up the math library and put it in the object exchange?
meow, i have my own topic now? (sorta)
It never hurts to have the code in the OE if you're happy to share it ;-)
I started reading your PDF last night -- loads of interesting stuff in there (I particularly like the way you've implemented the memory map and expressions parser; neat).
Haven't got to reading your code yet, but am really looking forward to working out how you do your sensor interpolation.
Thanks for sharing.
BTW: I type as I'm thinking, so please don't take any offense at my writing style
You'll always have as many take-offs as landings, the trick is to be sure you can take-off again ;-)
Again, if anyone wants to build something based on my system, or using it, go right ahead [noparse]:)[/noparse] brownie points if you let me know, I have nothing to do for five weeks and maybe I can help.
meow, i have my own topic now? (sorta)
·- Was it pin 11 or 26?· Hmmm....··I think the smell of smoke tells the whole story.· Must be 26.
Michael King
Application Engineer
Digital Technology Group
Paul Baker
Propeller Applications Engineer
Parallax, Inc.
If you haven't already, You should check out the site that Chris Andersen started last year. I try to post my homebrew UAV progress both there and here as well keep all the real details on my personal project site
As I always tell everyone, its a work in progress, but feel free to grab the code and make changes that make sense to you.
Have fun,
Here's an update! It works commercially now! By "commercially" I mean that it's being used in actual paying work, not that you have to pay for it, of course [noparse];)[/noparse]
*happy happy*
I'm now working with Reason Bradley (of Team Toro on Battlebots!) to basically build a very tough autonomous antbot.
meow, i have my own topic now? (sorta)
Oh; thanks for posting the updated code - I'll have to take a look at it soon
You'll always have as many take-offs as landings, the trick is to be sure you can take-off again ;-)
BTW: I type as I'm thinking, so please don't take any offense at my writing style