First robot
Completed my first robot.
Its a hexcrawler, controlled by a Propeller hold together with gaffa tape.
Its using Ultrasound to detect objects, and if a object is detected it calculates the new course around the object, which would give the least amount of adjustnemt to the current course.
It has also been fitted with a RFID reader so the Robot can find stop when a RFID card is found.
Got a few videos of the Crawler in action here.
Next step is to add a some sensors on the back and the sides so the Crawler never would walk into anything.
Also we are working on making the Crawler rember every object it has found, so that we later on could create a map of a room based on the Crawlers discoveries.
Post Edited (lassethomsen) : 5/13/2007 5:35:40 PM GMT
Its a hexcrawler, controlled by a Propeller hold together with gaffa tape.
Its using Ultrasound to detect objects, and if a object is detected it calculates the new course around the object, which would give the least amount of adjustnemt to the current course.
It has also been fitted with a RFID reader so the Robot can find stop when a RFID card is found.
Got a few videos of the Crawler in action here.
Next step is to add a some sensors on the back and the sides so the Crawler never would walk into anything.
Also we are working on making the Crawler rember every object it has found, so that we later on could create a map of a room based on the Crawlers discoveries.
Post Edited (lassethomsen) : 5/13/2007 5:35:40 PM GMT
I would love to change the world, but they won't give me the source code
People say that if you play Microsoft CD's backwards, you hear satanic things, but that's nothing, because if you play them forwards, they install Windows.
I spent a minute looking at my own code by accident. I was thinking "What the heck is this guy doing?"
My web site -- > <-- take a look if you like
We have 4 "different" styles of gait, one for left,rigth,forward and back. So we are not trying to generarte leg motions on the fly, the weird movements is often when we are changing walktypes, or when taking one step forward at the time. Out forward gait is optimized for walking multiple steps and not just one of the time, and there the Hexcrawler is looking quite stupid if only taking one step.
And other thing about the gait is, that we when changing for one gait to another always put the legs i a Home position, which also sometime makes the Hexcrawler look like it cant make up its mind.
We are looking to work on the gait, but the next issue we will work on is on the fly navigation, so that we, in a perfect situation, wouldnt have to stop and scan, to avoid a obstacle. And add some extra sensors to the crawler, so that we can safely turn and walking backward.
you must be rich dude
right now, I'm working on a Boe-Bot that is able to map my entire house. the key is to divide every 20x20 centimeters into squares
and compute those as a map.
good luck