Has anyone tryed a preception of vision device with BS1?
I still havent learned how to do much more than just blinking led's. So i desided to blink them really fast. Acualy im trying to make one of them devices where you wave it and you see words. I am doing so using 7 bright LED's in a straight line. So i drew out the word Hello on graf paper using 7x5 squars for each letter, then i went in and rought a high and low comand for every time i needed each light to blink for 1ms and looped it to keep going.·this works sort of only becuas i know what its suposed to say but realy its just a blear. Im just wondering how one might go abut this (i wish it were as esay as an LCD).
There are no Undo buttons in life.
There are no Undo buttons in life.
- Stephen