Assembler question: order of registers in AND
Posts: 18
I am reading an input pin and this works:
but this doesn't:
I know one can't modify ina, but the nr flag should prevent that, right?
It works, but I'm where else could this be an issue?
and Pin, ina nr, wc
but this doesn't:
and ina, Pin nr, wc
I know one can't modify ina, but the nr flag should prevent that, right?
It works, but I'm where else could this be an issue?
them frustration that is easily avoided. Give the shadow registers different names (like INA_SHADOW or something) and
let's nip these problems in the bud.
I think the guys at Parallax have some real tight time constraints... and any time taken to do this would be time taken away from other more pressing matters.
I have a feeling that all of the feedback is being heard, noted and queued, and I would be willing to bet you a fried Prop that these issues will be addressed in the next formal release of new hardware[noparse]:)[/noparse]
I'm having trouble searching things.... I know that the issue of searching has been addressed but when I do a search to find it... I can't.
You guys are the best.