AppKit: SN75176 in a RS485 Network.....I had some time to PLAY with these DEMOs
Hi EveryOne
I want to know if·I have the right ·![idea.gif](
This will the frist time that i will
be using this chip and talking from one Basic Stamp to another Basic Stamp
AppKit: Using the SN75176 in a RS485 Network
Has the send and Receiver Demo Code it has the follows.........
Send Demo················································· · Receiver Demo
Input··· 2·······················································Output 2··
output·· 0····················································· Output 0
High···· 0······················································ ·low 0
If pin <> 1 Then Loop1···································· ·loop1:
··· SEROUT 1,N2400,("H")································· serin 1,N2400,bo
Loop1:························································· ·If bo <> "H"· Then is_Low
Button2,0,255,0,b0,1,preloop···························· High 2
Goto Loop1···················································· goto Loop1
preloop2:······················································· is_Low:
SEROUT 1,N2400,("L")······································· Low2
·····································································GoTo Loop1
BUTTON 2,1,255,250,b0,1,Loop_again
goto Loop2
SEROUT 1,N2400,("H")
goto LOOP1
Now my question is this if i want to SEND.....
RFID card # or Tag·Names· ····
·Do you have to put· this at the top
of what i want to send· and put this at bottom
I am not sure·which one you·have to have frist....· ("L") or ("H")
SEROUT 1,N2400,("L")
The·Data that you want to·SEND>>>>>>>>SEROUT 1,N2400, DEC· tagNum, "·"
I do not know if this is right or not
SEROUT 1,N2400,("H")
For the· Receiver end what do i have to put to receive the data
·SERIN 1,N2400· What else would i need
Thanks to anyone that can help me with this Project
I·have order the chips and will get them·next week so i·will have wait until i get them to play with them
··Thanks for any·
·that you may have and all of your time finding them
Post Edited (sam_sam_sam) : 5/17/2007 2:48:37 PM GMT
I want to know if·I have the right ·
This will the frist time that i will
be using this chip and talking from one Basic Stamp to another Basic Stamp
AppKit: Using the SN75176 in a RS485 Network
Has the send and Receiver Demo Code it has the follows.........
Send Demo················································· · Receiver Demo
Input··· 2·······················································Output 2··
output·· 0····················································· Output 0
High···· 0······················································ ·low 0
If pin <> 1 Then Loop1···································· ·loop1:
··· SEROUT 1,N2400,("H")································· serin 1,N2400,bo
Loop1:························································· ·If bo <> "H"· Then is_Low
Button2,0,255,0,b0,1,preloop···························· High 2
Goto Loop1···················································· goto Loop1
preloop2:······················································· is_Low:
SEROUT 1,N2400,("L")······································· Low2
·····································································GoTo Loop1
BUTTON 2,1,255,250,b0,1,Loop_again
goto Loop2
SEROUT 1,N2400,("H")
goto LOOP1
Now my question is this if i want to SEND.....
RFID card # or Tag·Names· ····
·Do you have to put· this at the top
of what i want to send· and put this at bottom
I am not sure·which one you·have to have frist....· ("L") or ("H")
SEROUT 1,N2400,("L")
The·Data that you want to·SEND>>>>>>>>SEROUT 1,N2400, DEC· tagNum, "·"
I do not know if this is right or not
SEROUT 1,N2400,("H")
For the· Receiver end what do i have to put to receive the data
·SERIN 1,N2400· What else would i need
Thanks to anyone that can help me with this Project
I·have order the chips and will get them·next week so i·will have wait until i get them to play with them
··Thanks for any·
Post Edited (sam_sam_sam) : 5/17/2007 2:48:37 PM GMT
Once you have your hands on the parts, it will become clearer.
Each chip can be selected as "talker" or "listener". Its usual for all chips to sit in "listener" mode as a default. When
one node wants to talk, it flips to "talker" mode sends the data, then returns to "listener". You can have many listeners
connected at one time and have them respond based on an identifying character the talker sends.
Doing it this way allows all nodes to both talk and listen using one pair of wires. But, only one node can talk at a time.
If you wish, you can set up two separate circuits so you don't have to switch from talker to listener. On a stamp without a comm buffer, it doesn't make much sense to do it that way because the Stamp can't do two things at once.
Tom Sisk
The PAUSEs gives time for the line to turn around and for the listening Stamp to be ready.
Tracy Allen
Thank you for a fast reply to this Question that I had on· my post
Thank you for explaning the flow control (low=listen,·high=talk·) and how it work i was not clear on this part of the code
When do you use the··SEROUT·1,N2400,[noparse][[/noparse]"L"]· Command and how is it used
Thank you show me what i had to put to send the data to the other Basic Stamp
My thinking was that it was something like that but··[noparse][[/noparse] that ]· i had use this for SerIn or SerOut lines
Thank You for helping me ·understand how to set this up·and how to get it to work
··Thanks for any·
If you wish, you can set up two separate circuits so you don't have to switch from talker to listener. On a stamp without a comm buffer, it doesn't make much sense to do it that way because the Stamp can't do two things at once.
I know that a Basic Stamp can only do one thing at a time but could i set it up so·that only one·Stamp·talkes·and· and listenes with out using a·switch· to do the·talking to listening and the other Stamp has the switch to do the··talking to listening
·( Can i do talk and listen in code for the Basic Stamp at the road)
· (I may do both Basic Stamps talk and listen in code )
Example when the Card Reader at the Road Sends Card #....... and that· Card #.......·would go to the house with out·using a switch ( I would have one CARD at the Card·Reader Box at the road for anyone who dose not have a card and if i know the person ) I would a send a card # that in the list to open the gate from the house that Stamp would have a switch to TALK OR LISTEN
Send to the house To A·LCD Display....Some One A The Gate TagID # 0F024367D2·(OR)
And Card Names and #·
·Now Basic Stamp at the Road Is waiting In a LOOP For a Card # To What To Do Next
For card # In list to open gate or waiting for card #0F024357D7 to·Go To·Card Reader to scan again this Card Would at the Card Reader Box·at the house
Some One A The Gate
TagID # 0F024367D2
Open Gate Cards are in Data List
GoTo Reader
TagID # 0F024357D7
I hope that you can understand what i am tring to do in this example that i have here
··Thanks for any·
Post Edited (sam_sam_sam) : 5/14/2007 8:17:59 PM GMT
I had some time to PLAY with these DEMOs
I had to Play with the code some what to get it to work
'Send Demo
' {$STAMP BS2}
' {$PBASIC 2.5}
·btnwk VAR Byte
INPUT··· 15
HIGH···· 1
IF (IN15 <> 1) THEN Loop1
··· SEROUT 0,16468,1,[noparse][[/noparse]"H"]
BUTTON 15,0,255,0,Btnwk,1,preloop2
GOTO Loop1
SEROUT 0,16468,1,[noparse][[/noparse]"L"]
BUTTON 15,1,255,250,Btnwk,1,Loop_again
GOTO Loop2
SEROUT 0,16468,1,[noparse][[/noparse]"H"]
'Receiver Demo
' {$STAMP BS2}
' {$PBASIC 2.5}
string· VAR Byte
PAUSE 100························· ' This was ADD so that when the Basic Stamps where Power UP the led would NOT
········································ ' come ON and stay ON until the button was pushed
SERIN 0,16468,100,loop1,[noparse][[/noparse]string]····· ' SERIN 0,16468,100 This adj time to wait incoming,loop1,[noparse][[/noparse]string]
DEBUG string, CR··························· ' This was ADD to see what data was sent from one Basic Stamp to
··················································· The other Basic Stamp
IF (string <> "H" ) THEN is_Low
GOTO Loop1
LOW 15
GOTO Loop1
·I know what you all are going to say that all i am doing is turning ON and OFF an led light with two Basic Stamps
and you are right but i had to understand how you send data from one Stamp to othe other Stamp
Thanks to ALL that have helped me with this project
··Thanks for any·
Post Edited (sam_sam_sam) : 5/17/2007 4:00:10 AM GMT