I2C Bus What is it and how many people will it seat?
I know it a standard and not big and yellow, but can someone tell me what it is, and if the bs2sx is compatible with it. I'm look at getting a TPA81 8x1 Thermopile array, and it states I2C compliance. Before I spend $100 +/- on it I want to make sure that I can and know how to get it to work with a stamp. From what I can tell it will be pretty easy to connect. it even has a Servo controller on it. I've searched the stamp manual and the web all I find is parts that are I2c compatible. I'm not sure what that tells me. Can some one point me to a site or tell me what it is.
The BS2sx doesn't have the built-in I2C commands that the BS2p models have, but it can do I2C using subroutines. Have a look at the Nuts and Volts articles on using I2C with the Stamps. They're downloadable for free as is most of Parallax's educational literature. Start with column #85 here: www.parallax.com/html_pages/downloads/nvcolumns/Nuts_Volts_Downloads_V3.asp.
That should get you started.