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Propeller Color Forth — Parallax Forums

Propeller Color Forth

The WangsterThe Wangster Posts: 13
edited 2007-05-07 09:27 in Propeller 1
First, we have ANS Forth for the propeller, now we have Color Forth! I'm working on a minimalist Forth that is to be very simple and very fast. It is direct-threaded. Unlike Chuck's color forth, this is more of a traditional (edit-compile-debug) system, where dev is done on the PC, compiled, and sent over the cable to the Propeller.


Bytecode compiler finished.
Interpreter: need to iron out bugs.
Need to add support for arrays, IO, graphics, sound.

Anyone give suggestions as to what words should I add? I am planning to use this for game development.

Long Nguyen
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