Does anybody know whether the IR detector that comes with the BOE-Bot kit is analog ( it outputs different voltages based on ir amount) or digital (it is either on or off).· The help is appreciated.
It is digital... the device goes "high" when it senses a 38khz beam of IR light (which is usually the reflected light from an IR LED being driven at 38khz).
The center frequency of the detector is 38KHz, but it does respond to a wider range of frequencies. You can download the datasheet from Parallax's website and it shows the response curve (
Thanks, I read a lot of the info for the larger componets, but I didn't think of checking the documentation becuase I figured that nobody would bother to post it. Parallax is pretty good at posting product info, I should probably check there first.
D Faust
D Faust
Personally, I haven't found a remote that won't be detected by the 38 Khz IR-Detector, so it shouldn't be a problem.
D Faust
D Faust