Equation help
Posts: 21
Could someone help figure out how to effectiviley write the following equation so that the Basic Stamp II could do. It deals with Wind Chill Factor.
Wind chill temperature = 35.74 + 0.6215T - 35.75V (**0.16) + 0.4275TV(**0.16)
In the formula, V is in the wind speed in statute miles per hour, and T is the temperature in degrees Fahrenheit.
Note: In the formula, ** means the following term is an exponent (i.e. 10**(0.5 ) means 10 to the 0.5 power, or the square root of V), - means to subtract, + means to add. A letter next to a number means to multiply that quantity represented by the letter by the number. The standard rules of algebra apply.
Wind chill temperature = 35.74 + 0.6215T - 35.75V (**0.16) + 0.4275TV(**0.16)
In the formula, V is in the wind speed in statute miles per hour, and T is the temperature in degrees Fahrenheit.
Note: In the formula, ** means the following term is an exponent (i.e. 10**(0.5 ) means 10 to the 0.5 power, or the square root of V), - means to subtract, + means to add. A letter next to a number means to multiply that quantity represented by the letter by the number. The standard rules of algebra apply.
Post Edited (Mike Green) : 5/6/2007 7:28:47 PM GMT
I did infact look at Tracy's Web page, But I am not smart enough to figure out how to do it. I was hoping someone with Good Math Knowledge could help me.
different terms, my first thought is to use a co-processor such
as the PAK-II from Al Williams.
See http://www.awce.com/pak1.htm
It has the ability to handle the exponentiation required by this
Wind chill temperature = 35.74 + 0.6215T - 35.75(V **0.16) + 0.4275T(V**0.16)
The only factor raised to a power **0.16 is the wind speed. That makes things a lot easier. That is a very slow currve, easy to approximate.
Tracy Allen
Post Edited (Tracy Allen) : 5/7/2007 5:19:31 PM GMT
Thank you for your help. Like I said I am not a Math wize. I was wondering if you have this on your site or know where I may obtain a sample program. Someone has had to attempt this.
I'd programme·a table (matrix), using DATA; have the programme prompt for user input (Temperature, Wind Speed -- integers only or truncate them); then retrieve (READ) the pre-calculated "answers" to the more complicated parts which could be computed more easily.
All this raising to powers of <1 and multiplying by <1... Sheesh.
·Then you could "do" 35.74 + A - B + C (after you work around the "integer only" maths.)
Post Edited (PJ Allen) : 5/8/2007 12:45:09 AM GMT
DATA 36,31,25,19,13,7,1,-5,-11,-16,-22,-28,-34,-40,-46,-52,-57,-63
DATA 34,27,21,15,9,3,-4,-10,-16,-22,-28,-35,-41,-47,-53,-59,-66,-72
DATA 32,25,19,13,6,0,-7,-13,-19,-26,-32,-39,-45,-51,-58,-64,-71,-77
DATA 30,24,17,11,4,-2,-9,-15,-22,-29,-35,-42,-48,-55,-61,-68,-74,-81
DATA 29,23,16,9,3,-4,-11,-17,-24,-31,-37,-44,-51,-58,-64,-71,-78,-84
DATA 28,22,15,8,1,-5,-12,-19,-26,-33,-39,-46,-53,-60,-67,-73,-80,-87
DATA 28,21,14,7,0,-7,-14,-21,-27,-34,-41,-48,-55,-62,-69,-76,-82,-89
DATA 27,20,13,6,-1,-8,-15,-22,-29,-36,-43,-50,-57,-64,-71,-78,-84,-91
DATA 26,19,12,5,-2,-9,-16,-23,-30,-37,-44,-51,-58,-65,-72,-79,-86,-93
DATA 26,19,12,4,-3,-10,-17,-24,-31,-38,-45,-52,-60,-67,-74,-81,-88,-95
DATA 25,18,11,4,-3,-11,-18,-25,-32,-39,-46,-54,-61,-68,-75,-82,-89,-97
DATA 25,17,10,3,-4,-11,-19,-26,-33,-40,-48,-55,-62,-69,-76,-84,-91,-98
no, I didn't type it in. I used Excel and VBA
Have Fun
"Typo Reposted"
' {$STAMP BS2}
' {$PBASIC 2.5}
DATA 36,31,25,19,13,7,1,-5,-11,-16,-22,-28,-34,-40,-46,-52,-57,-63
DATA 34,27,21,15,9,3,-4,-10,-16,-22,-28,-35,-41,-47,-53,-59,-66,-72
DATA 32,25,19,13,6,0,-7,-13,-19,-26,-32,-39,-45,-51,-58,-64,-71,-77
DATA 30,24,17,11,4,-2,-9,-15,-22,-29,-35,-42,-48,-55,-61,-68,-74,-81
DATA 29,23,16,9,3,-4,-11,-17,-24,-31,-37,-44,-51,-58,-64,-71,-78,-84
DATA 28,22,15,8,1,-5,-12,-19,-26,-33,-39,-46,-53,-60,-67,-73,-80,-87
DATA 28,21,14,7,0,-7,-14,-21,-27,-34,-41,-48,-55,-62,-69,-76,-82,-89
DATA 27,20,13,6,-1,-8,-15,-22,-29,-36,-43,-50,-57,-64,-71,-78,-84,-91
DATA 26,19,12,5,-2,-9,-16,-23,-30,-37,-44,-51,-58,-65,-72,-79,-86,-93
DATA 26,19,12,4,-3,-10,-17,-24,-31,-38,-45,-52,-60,-67,-74,-81,-88,-95
DATA 25,18,11,4,-3,-11,-18,-25,-32,-39,-46,-54,-61,-68,-75,-82,-89,-97
DATA 25,17,10,3,-4,-11,-19,-26,-33,-40,-48,-55,-62,-69,-76,-84,-91,-98
Temp VAR Byte
Wind VAR Byte
Index VAR Word
result VAR Word
· DEBUG "Temperature?",CR
· DEBUG ?Temp
· DEBUG "Wind Speed?",CR
· Index=40-Temp & $FF / 5
· DEBUG ?index
· Index=Wind - 5 / 5 * 18 +Index
· DEBUG ?index
· READ Index,result
· result.HIGHBYTE=result.BIT7 * $FF 'sign extend
· DEBUG "Wind Chill:",SDEC result,"°",CR,CR
Have Fun
Post Edited (TechnoRobbo) : 5/8/2007 4:01:07 AM GMT
The calculation uses the */ operator for the fractional multiplies, and offsets the temperature to positive values and then restore the offset after the divisions. The attached graph shows mph ^ 0.16, except at values below 5mph I extrapolated through the value at 3mph to build the interpolation table. Windchill not defined for windspeeds below 3 mph.
Tracy Allen
Thank You all for your Help! I will try Using the Program Tracy has provided with the Look-Up Table TechoRobbo has provided. Tracy your Web page is a source of much needed information. I think you should add this to it.
Thanks Again