Tracking movement
I'm using an HB25 to drive a large motor with a 6" wheel directly attached to the shaft. I need some means of tracking how far the robot has moved. I have a GPS unit up and working but I can't count on always getting a signal. I need to track wheel revolutions. I was thinking of using a hall effect device or perhaps marking the wheel with hash marks and using a QTI detector to count them as they go by OR I could place a small wheel on a continuous servo, mount that so it is turned by the drive wheel and the just use the encoder in the servo. Any suggestions, especially links to articles etc would be much appriciated! [noparse]:)[/noparse]
some mouse wheel encoders with a 74HC14... The mouse wheel encoders are bidiractional so the should do the trick... In case you don't want bidiractional function you can use the QRD1114 instead with the 74HC14.... I have tested it and should suit you....
See these:·and
You·connect the A ports·to the output of the photo-transistor of the QRD1114 and the Y ports to your microcontroller...
You just have to use some 220Ω resistors with the QRD1114 photo-diode...
That's for now...
Provas, GReece
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I am trying to use the mouse encoder to my project. can u provide the schematic how to connect the encoder to· 74HC14 or to BS2.