Pro Dev Board + BS2p40 + IR remote kit for BOE bot = CountStartPulse.bs2 code n
Posts: 12
i followed all the commands in the book and set it up identically, only difference is the chip is a bs2p40 vs. bs2. i ran a short program to see if the ir reciever was working, it is. but for some reason, the code that will read the remotesz ir using pulsin does not work? it doesnt seem to make sense to me.
The BS2 for example has a PULSIN granularity of 2us while the BS2p models (BS2p24 and BS2p40) have a granularity of 0.8us
Units in Variable 0.8 µs
Maximum pulse width 52.428 ms
i get lost when dealing with small numbers.
how do i find the right way of timing pulses?
The BS2p can accurately time pulses up to 52.428ms in width (to a resolution of about 0.8us). What's right depends on what you're trying to do and what you have available to do it.
Andy Lindsay
Education Department
Parallax, Inc.