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i need help programing the boe-bot — Parallax Forums

i need help programing the boe-bot

pizzapieguypizzapieguy Posts: 5
edited 2007-05-04 01:14 in Learn with BlocklyProp
I have this project and i need help programing the boe-bot. My problem is I need the robot to autonomously navigate a circle (black tapped perimeter) the circle has a diameter of 3 feet. the robot can't leave the circle. It also has the find a cube and push it out of the circle. I need help programing the robot with basic stamp2.

I was planning to use IR sensors, light sensors and a regular robot with wheels.

I just need someone to get me on track with with program.

Post Edited By Moderator (Chris Savage (Parallax)) : 4/29/2007 5:09:44 AM GMT


  • FranklinFranklin Posts: 4,747
    edited 2007-04-29 03:09
    show us what you have. I would build the robot first then worry about the program. You need to have some form of line detection on the floor and IR or ultrasonics to find the object. Get that put together first.

    - Stephen
  • curious1curious1 Posts: 104
    edited 2007-04-29 23:12
    Chris Savage (Parallax) said...
    Confirmed…PIR sensors are definitely not meant to be moved. They stay still and wait for a sudden change in the PIR pattern within their field of view.

    What IR sensor would you be refering to that could see a be put on a robot. I had a similar application and was informed that it must be stationary.
  • FranklinFranklin Posts: 4,747
    edited 2007-04-30 01:18
    The IR that comes with the boebot or sumobot will detect objects that are in its field of view. When I was testing my solarbotics sumovore I would put my coffee cup in the ring and the bot would push it out.

    - Stephen
  • curious1curious1 Posts: 104
    edited 2007-04-30 01:41
    Oh... I see. Looking at the parts·list for the bots, it's a IR LED and an IR·receiver.
    I was refering to the passive IR sensor·, totally different.
    Thanks for clearing that up.
  • FranklinFranklin Posts: 4,747
    edited 2007-04-30 03:08
    Well, if the cube was warm you could use a narrow angle pir and a servo to scan it across the field to see the cube then turn in that direction and move.

    - Stephen
  • allanlane5allanlane5 Posts: 3,815
    edited 2007-04-30 15:30
    Let's not confuse the "PIR" sensor, and the active IR-LED with IR-Reciever. The "PIR" sensor is a passive infra-red sensor, which detects when warm object enter its field of view. You really wouldn't use this sensor for collision avoidance.

    The IR-LED with IR-Reciever lets you detect reflected IR light from a close (< 10 inches) object. These are used ALL THE TIME in small robots for object detection and collision avoidance (the BOE-Bot has a lab on the subject).
  • pizzapieguypizzapieguy Posts: 5
    edited 2007-05-02 01:56
    well im starting to build the thing so ill get you people post very very soon
  • Steph LindsaySteph Lindsay Posts: 767
    edited 2007-05-02 17:11
    Hello pizzapieguy,

    Which sensor are you going to use for each job?·

    Before trying to write your final program, it would be good to write small test programs to make sure each sensor can detect what it is supposed to.· Can you make an exact copy of the course you will be using, with the same black tape for the perimeter and the same size, color and material for the cube?·

    If you are allowed to add any sensors, the QTI line follower appkit would really help:
  • pizzapieguypizzapieguy Posts: 5
    edited 2007-05-03 03:59
    ok after some building i found out that my light sensors work perfectly and already made it detect the black line now when i tried to test the ir sensors i found out they do not work. Im thinking i wired it wrong or something but don't know for sure yet. Might be my circuit board because this one didn't like the IR sensors the last time i put them on.
  • pizzapieguypizzapieguy Posts: 5
    edited 2007-05-04 01:14
    Sorry I got another board so i have to switch all the stuff, ill just get to you people tomorrow.
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