eb500 not responding - I think I've tried everything
Everything seems to be·setup OK, but the eb500 will not Tx.
The Bluetooth software recognizes the eb500
I was able to "pair" the eb500
The "Connect" LED on the eb500 never lights up (??)
Hyperterminal will send data (Bluetooth connection status, activity shows the byte count·going to the eb500 as I type "SENT", but·nothing coming back "RECEIVED").
Signal strength is "Good" and solid
The "Connect.bs2" Stamp code won't get past the first SERIN command that waits for an ACK on Pin 0.
My setup:
Desktop PC:·· ·Win XP Pro SP2
Bluetooth:·· Kensington USB Bluetooth V 2.0, Model # 33348
(I've also tried a Kensington USB, Model # 33085 and a Belkin USB, Model # F8T012· Same result)
eb500 has "Rev C" mod (connection going to Stamp Pin 3 clipped)
I've run out of things to try. Smashing my forehead on the keyboard is not an option, so I'm looking for suggestions on what·I might have missed in trying to troubleshoot this problem or someone to help me confirm my suspicion that I may have a half-dead eb500.
Thanks,· Steve·
The Bluetooth software recognizes the eb500
I was able to "pair" the eb500
The "Connect" LED on the eb500 never lights up (??)
Hyperterminal will send data (Bluetooth connection status, activity shows the byte count·going to the eb500 as I type "SENT", but·nothing coming back "RECEIVED").
Signal strength is "Good" and solid
The "Connect.bs2" Stamp code won't get past the first SERIN command that waits for an ACK on Pin 0.
My setup:
Desktop PC:·· ·Win XP Pro SP2
Bluetooth:·· Kensington USB Bluetooth V 2.0, Model # 33348
(I've also tried a Kensington USB, Model # 33085 and a Belkin USB, Model # F8T012· Same result)
eb500 has "Rev C" mod (connection going to Stamp Pin 3 clipped)
I've run out of things to try. Smashing my forehead on the keyboard is not an option, so I'm looking for suggestions on what·I might have missed in trying to troubleshoot this problem or someone to help me confirm my suspicion that I may have a half-dead eb500.
Thanks,· Steve·
Chris Savage
Parallax Tech Support
Chris, Do these Parallax power supplies exceed 12 volts ?
I was under the impression that Parallax selected, for marketing to use with the various Stamps and other·Parallax devices,·supplies at these nominal voltages which did not exceed the nominal voltages (by so much)?
Our supplies are all within specifications for our products but as they are currently (and have been) unregulated they inherently rise above the rated voltage when not at the rated capacity. The first link you provided is actually a 7.5V not a 5V supply. Currently it is unregulated but we may be getting switching versions of these. Until then both are unregulated and you can expect to see ‘no load’ voltages of ~14V through ~16V with nothing connected. The BASIC Stamps and everything else we carry tolerate this voltage however the EB500 does not. It is for this reason we asked the manufacturer to include a warning sticker on the package warning of this. Typically the EB500 is used in BOE-Bot applications which are driven from 6V supplies and so this is not usually an issue. I hope this helps. Take care.
Chris Savage
Parallax Tech Support
I've tried a 7.5V, 1A switching, a 9V, 1A transformer, and a 9V battery. I've also tried the eb500 on two different BOE boards with a BS2, BS2p and a BS2xp on each. The results are the same in all cases.
As an addendum to my original post: With a BSLA installed, running the "Connect.bs2" code, I can decode the connect string on pin 1 (Tx), but pin 0 (Rx) is mute (no signal).
Can you confirm that I should be able to use HyperTerminal (properly configured) to communicate with the eb500 connected to a BOE/BS2 (for power only, no code running) over the Bluetooth serial port? I've not been able to get the eb500 to respond in that configuration. The Bluetooth A7 serial port, Status dialog shows data being sent to the eb500 as I type, but nothing being sent back.
When you say "the eb500 can't handle more than 12V on Vin", do you mean that it won't work properly or that it might be damaged under those conditions?
Post Edited (Duffer) : 4/30/2007 2:36:00 PM GMT
When I say the EB500 cannot handle more than 12V, I mean it would damage it, hence the warning label on the package. If you’ve already put that voltage into it there is the possibility that one of the regulators has been damaged.
As for your question about communicating over the Serial Link with HyperTerminal…You can send serial data back and forth, however as far as I know you cannot remotely command the EB500. The typical configuration is that the EB500 will be sending and receiving control/data to/from the PC via its Blue Tooth adapter. Whether it be HyperTerminal or some other application does not matter.
Chris Savage
Parallax Tech Support
The only power supplies used on any of the Parallax products are the ones described in my previous post.
This means there is potential damage to the EB500 which may or may not explain your communication issues.
Chris Savage
Parallax Tech Support
So this means that I may have killed the eb500, but I won't know for sure unless I buy another one and try it with 6-9V battery power or a regulated power supply at less than 12V. Would you think that the switching power supply that I mentioned earlier at 7.5V would be safe?
I see that the "backorder" notice has been removed for the eb500, so I guess I'll order a couple and and try again.
Thanks, Steve
I have not plugged my eb500 in, yet. Although I do have the 7.5 volt power supply from Parallax.
When I do get around to experimenting with the eb500, is the safest-simplest way to just use a 9v battery to run the BOE/BS2/eb500?
You are what you write.
If the power supply is a switching supply it is safe. We have sold a few of these in the past. I always measure the output of new supplies before using them myself just to get an idea of how I need to rate any components they’re connected to.
A 9V battery won’t last real long running any kind of current hungry device…Always check the output of any supply you plan to connect. Check the supply ‘unloaded’. That is, test the output without it connected to anything but the meter. As mentioned above 4AA batteries (6V) is the typical supply for these modules. I hope this helps. Take care.
Chris Savage
Parallax Tech Support
Thanks and thanks for putting it in terms easy for me to understand. I have a good, regulated bench supply that should do the job or I can just as easily use 4 AA batteries (and think I will).
You are what you write.
At some point I must have used another wall wart that blew at least one of the regulators on the eb500. Lesson learned! Label the "business end" of your power supplies if you have several on your work bench with the same connector.
For Parallax support: If it's just a blown regulator, do you know if repair services available? Maybe from A7?
Thanks everyone for you help,
While we don’t have any repair services here, you can check with A7 to see if they would repair the boards. I wouldn’t know if when the regulator was damaged anything else was damaged with it. For this reason I wouldn’t recommend trying to repair it yourself. Take care.
Chris Savage
Parallax Tech Support
I'll check with the good folks at A7 engineering.
Thanks, Steve