Human State Monitoring - POC
hello all,
I have been thinking about a project that will allow me to capture heart pulse, cholesterol level, blood pressure, etc., and using prop, gather and collate that data, call a webservice over the air.· The webservice will then know what to do w/ this data.
I was wondering if someone in this grp will be willing to point me to these health monitoring components that can help me in this project.· I want to stay cheap from $$$ perspective and want to keep the list of things to monitor to the above
thanks in advance
"any small object, accidentally dropped, goes and hides behind a larger object."
ALIBE - Artificial LIfe BEing. In search of building autonoumous land robot
I have been thinking about a project that will allow me to capture heart pulse, cholesterol level, blood pressure, etc., and using prop, gather and collate that data, call a webservice over the air.· The webservice will then know what to do w/ this data.
I was wondering if someone in this grp will be willing to point me to these health monitoring components that can help me in this project.· I want to stay cheap from $$$ perspective and want to keep the list of things to monitor to the above
thanks in advance
"any small object, accidentally dropped, goes and hides behind a larger object."
ALIBE - Artificial LIfe BEing. In search of building autonoumous land robot
You can do all of that spectroscopically... except the peripheral blood pressure measurements. Graham is the resident technical expert. What I would suggest is that you learn how to say Спасибо. "thank you" in Russian and then approach a technical institute in Moscow with the gift of a demo board. They have the physical, optical and electronic expertise and a very low expectation when it comes to dealing with the West.
While you are at it... ask them to throw in brain mapping.
I need it for my book.
It is powered by 2 AAA batteries. Has a small motor and air pump to fill the bladder behind the unit. I didn't want to ruin anything, so was unable to see the micro used, as the LCD was attached with double-sided tape to that micro.
In use, bladder is filled to about 195 mmHg pressure then somehow (some small valve?) is deflated slowly while the systolic and diastolic is measured. Heart rate is monitored during this time, it appears. Two shots of in-use and insides.
Mode and Set buttons allow for setting date and time after batteries are installed; a bit awkward, but only two switches required. Times out to turn off power when not in use. Stores up to 99 readings. Sometimes battery has lasted to fill memory; used rechargeable batts.
Harley Shanko
h.a.s. designn
If you don't have any luck in Moscow. Try the Institute of Biophysics in Puchino.
They will do the trick for you... and they are fabulous.
Harley, this wrist device looks very promising. I wonder if this can be interfaced w/ prop. Are there similar devices w/ Serial interface available?
thanks again
"any small object, accidentally dropped, goes and hides behind a larger object."
ALIBE - Artificial LIfe BEing. In search of building autonoumous land robot
Heck, how hard could it be, using IR (or whatever type of LED works best for that stuff) Emitter and a Detector, just watch the subtle pulses on the detector due to the bloodflow changing the reflected light.
I want to clip one on to everyone in the family over night to make sure we are all sleeping synchronously, adjust background music and lighting (for those that sleep with their eyes open) automatically until heartrates are at optimal levels, so everyone wakes up on the same side of the bed, so to speak.
Maybe monitor body temperature to adjust electric-blankets automatically. I could just go on and on, better stop now.
One more thing... Oldbitcollector is working on the communication thing. And he got there first[noparse]:)[/noparse]
Hopefully some of my 2¢ is a help.
Harley Shanko
h.a.s. designn
Post Edited (Harley) : 4/27/2007 8:46:35 PM GMT