Direction to steer problem
Posts: 4,010
Hi all,
This has been giving me headaches, I thought I had it figured out but nooooo. There has got to be a simple way to do this but it escapes me.
I have a direction I need to go (0 to 255)
I have the heading which I am traveling (0 to 255 )
Lastly, I have the Deviation, amount that I am off course (0 to 128)
I need to figure out which way to turn!
It's obvious to me when looking at the numbers which way it should turn but
putting that into a formula has baffled me.
I've tried several formulas but I can't get one to work with all possibilities.
Rich H
This has been giving me headaches, I thought I had it figured out but nooooo. There has got to be a simple way to do this but it escapes me.
I have a direction I need to go (0 to 255)
I have the heading which I am traveling (0 to 255 )
Lastly, I have the Deviation, amount that I am off course (0 to 128)
I need to figure out which way to turn!
It's obvious to me when looking at the numbers which way it should turn but
putting that into a formula has baffled me.
I've tried several formulas but I can't get one to work with all possibilities.
Rich H
IF compass_heading <128 THEN
heading =1
heading =3
IF dir_of_travel <128 THEN
dir =3
SELECT turn_value
CASE 4,7
· IF dir_of_travel > compass_heading THEN
· GOSUB turn_left
· GOSUB turn_right
CASE 5,6
· dir_of_travel=dir_of_travel-128
· IF dir_of_travel > compass_heading THEN
· GOSUB turn_right
· GOSUB turn_left
Jeff T.
how far off course and direction to steer.
I changed some names so that I can follow it better with what I have already written.
You may fnd this course-to-steer calculator helpful. Just look at the math behind it:
This next comment is intended to be helpful although it may not sound that way. First, you need to learn the proper terminology for (dead reckoning) navigation. Second, your incorrect usage of said terminology may well be dring you nuts. Lastly, you are making this way more complicated than it actaully is.
Break it down into smaller pieces instead on one universal formula that covers every course correction factor known to man, and then add the peices together. Start with something like: If my outbound course is nnn degrees, what is my return course? You may then want to add a return course correction based on the calculated error on the outbound course. Then look at waypoints and corrections therein, etc. Build on a set of basic formulas.
Presuming this is a land-mobile platform, just be glad you don't have to add in current, wind and magnetic deviation considerations, along with hull drag, instrumentation, and Murphy errors
Good luck with it.
Bruce Bates
·You can calculate the error knowing this information, for example if the direction headed is E40 and you want to be at E60 the error is 60-40=20 left.·If direction headed was E80 then the error would be 20 right, right or left is dependent on whether heading is greater or·less than direction needed to go·.
If one value is east and one value is west our existing code already tells us which way we need to turn but calculating the error is slightly different, for example if we need to be at a heading of W250 and we are travelling toward E10 the equation would be
255-(heading-direction)=255-(250-10)=error 15 left.
the code I posted only tells you which way to turn which is what you originally asked for, but it also contains enough information to calculate the amount of error·of the direction you want to turn. It requires an error calculator for each of the four possible scenarios
Jeff T
DC = desired course
H = heading
angle = ((360 - DC) + H)
if angle > 360 then angle = angle - 360
if angle < 180 then angle = left turn angle
if angle > 180 then angle = (360 - angle) right turn angle
You'll have to use a word.
HTH, Chris
Maybe I am not properly implementing your suggestions, I can't get these to work.
Please look at the following program and let me know if I am doing something weird. I have tried to make it a bit easier
to read and condensed it a bit.
If I enter 193 for heading and 64 for direction it tells me that I am off course by 127 and I should steer right (good).
If I enter 191 for heading and 64 for direction it tells me that I am off course by 127 (good) and that I should steer right (bad).
193 and 64
191 and 64
both can't be 127
dev = ABS(heading - dir)
dev = dev MAX(256-dev)
In Binary radians, where 0 is North, 64 is East, 128 South and 192 West, the difference between (191 and 64) and (193 and 64) is both 127 binary radians.
Rich H
Jeff T.
*** enter direction to turn solution here ***
angle = ((256 - dir) + heading) (256-64) + 193 = 385
IF angle > 256 THEN angle = angle - 256 385 - 256 = 129
IF angle < 128 THEN angle = 1 'left
IF angle > 128 THEN angle = 0' (256 - angle) 'right 256 - 129 = 127 right turn
*** enter direction to turn solution here ***
angle = ((256 - dir) + heading) (256-64) + 191 = 383
IF angle > 256 THEN angle = angle - 256 383 -256 = 127
IF angle < 128 THEN angle = 1 'left 127 left turn
IF angle > 128 THEN angle = 0' (256 - angle) 'right
I'm must be missing it.
HTH, Chris