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Ad 592

LowtideLowtide Posts: 12
edited 2007-04-22 12:20 in Learn with BlocklyProp
i have been trying to use the AD 592 temperature sensor, and can't get an accurate reading (not even Close). If anyone has a schematic and simple program I would appreciate it. I tried the one from Applied sensors, and still nothing. jumpin.gif


  • Bruce BatesBruce Bates Posts: 3,045
    edited 2007-04-21 15:09
    Lowtide -

    A couple of things we'll need to offer assistance will be a copy of the program you're attempting to use, as well as a schematic. The schematic doesn't have to be anything fancy, just accurate.

    One simple thought - you're not reading in centigrade when you're program is expecting farhenheit, or visa versa, are you?

    Additionally, here are some applications notes from Dr. Tracy Allen which you may find of some assistance:


    Bruce Bates

    Post Edited (Bruce Bates) : 4/21/2007 3:20:30 PM GMT
  • LowtideLowtide Posts: 12
    edited 2007-04-22 11:19
    That Dr. Alllens program and schematic is what we are using. I am embarrassed asking this, but does this call for an adc chip? If so which one and how should it be tied in?
  • Bruce BatesBruce Bates Posts: 3,045
    edited 2007-04-22 12:20
    Lowtide -

    I would suggest that you go back and re-read the entire applications note, as that below, copied from that applications note, is pretty explicit, and actually answers your questions!


    The current can be turned into a voltage by a simple resistor at the measuring instrument, for standard analog to digital converters such as the OWL2c with the TLC2543 A/D converter. The value of the resistor can be trimmed to calibrate the sensor. Often only this single-point calibration is necessary.

    Or the current can be used to implement a simple interface using the RCtime command on the BASIC Stamp. Because the sensor is a current source, it can charge a capacitor with a linear ramp, so the equation relating the RCtime value to temperature is a simple reciprocal, and only one temperature calibration point is required.

    end quote


    Bruce Bates
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