USB to COM adapters???
I am starting design on a K-9 robot (from doctor who), but I know I am going to need MANY inputs & controls.
Does any one have any suggestions?
I am a Java Developer, and would like for the app to run in windows...
I found the Java Communications API, but it is COM port only, for the Basic Stamp / Javain this is great, but...
I will need more then 4 of them.
I have found some USB to COM adapters on the net, but know nothing about them.
Does anyone have experience using more then 4 COM ports on windows???
Does any one have any suggestions?
I am a Java Developer, and would like for the app to run in windows...
I found the Java Communications API, but it is COM port only, for the Basic Stamp / Javain this is great, but...
I will need more then 4 of them.
I have found some USB to COM adapters on the net, but know nothing about them.
Does anyone have experience using more then 4 COM ports on windows???
It IS possible to have a 'master' communications controller on your robot, which then talks over a 'party line' to multiple processors on board. This can reduce the number of ports you need to hang off your PC.
Plus I have seen adapters / cables, that say they do exactly what I need (usb to com), but I have not used them before, and am looking for advice.
PS: Thanks for the advice anyway, if I cant get help on the adapter (or cant get it to work), I will probably seek your help again.
As for running them all on the same bus, I don't think that will work, as I will be requiring a massive amount of BS -> PC IO traffic.
The solution above allows me to send data without collision, but there is no way to guarantee I can "receive" without collision.
$18 is defiantly in my price range, but I have seen some for $8.95 at...
Also there are multi port systems (1usb, 2 to 40com)...
PS: I know, cool isn't it? The design is for a totally autonomous K-9, speech enabled, etc... (the only thing I am dropping is the blaster, duh...) I have everything required bookmarked an budgeted, outside the "windows only supports 4 com ports :-(" problem.
I'd like to have a testimonial before buying a dozen or so... you understand