scale code (need help)
Posts: 31
what i attempting to do is take a value from a scale and put it into 1 of three buckets. the bucket that the number will go into is the bucket with the lowest present number.
all that it does is constantly add to bucket 2. i did assign numbers into the variable as a test run with total1=2 and total2= 4. when i did that it added to total3. does anybody know the problem?
Post Edited (grkblood13) : 4/17/2007 6:19:30 PM GMT
' {$STAMP BS2} ' {$PBASIC 2.5} max_seats VAR Word 'test run value sect_pass VAR Byte sect_pass1 VAR Byte sect_pass2 VAR Byte sect_pass3 VAR Byte total_weight VAR Word keycount VAR Nib man VAR Nib Aircraft_Ident VAR Word Aircraft_pass VAR Word Current_weight VAR Word Aircraft_weight VAR Word Yes_No VAR Bit aircraft_weight = 2000 sect_pass = 2000/3 total1 VAR Word total2 VAR Word total3 VAR Word begin: HIGH 9 HIGH 10 IF IN9 = 0 AND IN10 = 1 THEN calc 'tells program to weigh' IF IN9 = 1 AND IN10 = 0 THEN standby 'someone is walking through scale backwards' IF IN9 = 1 AND IN10 = 1 THEN begin 'loops tripwire' standby: DO IF IN9 = 1 OR IN10 = 1 THEN begin 'this is just to make sure there are no glitches' LOOP calc: location CON 0 i VAR Nib total VAR Word 'Aircraft_Ident = 0 'Aircraft_Ident = (INS & $01FF) PAUSE 1000 'delay to compensate for time to get on scale' total = 0 FOR i = 1 TO 15 total = total + (INS & $01FF)' - Aircraft_Ident 'takes reading from IN0 - IN8' PAUSE 100 'this delay is because the converter is running at 10 Hz' NEXT total = total / 15 WRITE location,total PAUSE 500 'DEBUG DEC total second: HIGH 9 HIGH 10 DO IF IN9 = 1 AND IN10 = 0 THEN add 'adds weight to bins' IF IN9 = 0 AND IN10 = 1 THEN begin 'starts over because someone stepped off scale' IF IN9 = 1 AND IN10 =1 THEN second IF IN9 = 0 AND IN10 =0 THEN second LOOP END RETURN add: pit1 CON 0 pit2 CON 0 pit3 CON 0 total_weight = 0 DEBUG CR, DEC total1 DEBUG CR, DEC total2 DEBUG CR, DEC total3 IF (total1 < total2) AND (total1 < total3) THEN add1 'add weight to pit1' IF (total2 < total1) AND (total2 < total3) THEN add2 'add weight to pit2' IF (total3 < total1) AND (total3 < total2) THEN add3 'add weight to pit3' IF (total1 = total2 = total3) THEN add2 'they equal so add to pit2' IF (total1 = total2) THEN add2 '(1&2 is less than 3)' IF (total1 = total3) THEN add1 '(1&3 is less than 2)' IF (total2 = total3) THEN add3 '(2&3 is less than 1)' add1: IF sect_pass1 > sect_pass THEN check1 total1 = total1 + total total_weight = total_weight + total1 'totals weight 'SEROUT 11,84, [noparse][[/noparse]$0C, "section 1 =", DEC total1] DEBUG CR, "section 1 =" PAUSE 1500 DEBUG DEC total1 WRITE pit1,total1 DEBUG CR sect_pass1 = sect_pass1 + 1 'increments seat counter IF total_weight = aircraft_weight THEN full 'plane has reached max weight IF total_weight > aircraft_weight THEN full GOSUB begin add2: IF sect_pass2 > sect_pass THEN check2 total2 = total2 + total total_weight = total_weight + total2 'totals weight 'SEROUT 11,84, [noparse][[/noparse]$0C, "section 2 =", DEC total2] DEBUG CR, "section 2 =" PAUSE 1500 DEBUG DEC total2 WRITE pit2,total2 DEBUG CR sect_pass2 = sect_pass2 + 1 'increments seat counter IF total_weight = aircraft_weight THEN full 'plane has reached max weight IF total_weight > aircraft_weight THEN full GOSUB begin add3: IF sect_pass3 > sect_pass THEN check3 total3 = total3 + total total_weight = total_weight + total3 'totals weight 'SEROUT 11,84, [noparse][[/noparse]$0C, "section 3 =", DEC total3] DEBUG CR, "section 3 =" PAUSE 1500 DEBUG DEC total3 WRITE pit3,total3 DEBUG CR sect_pass3 = sect_pass3 + 1 'increments seat counter IF total_weight = aircraft_weight THEN full 'plane has reached max weight IF total_weight > aircraft_weight THEN full GOSUB begin check1: 'SEROUT 11,84, [noparse][[/noparse]$0C, "section 1 full"] DEBUG CR DEBUG CR, "section 1 full",CR IF sect_pass2 < sect_pass3 THEN add2 IF sect_pass2 > sect_pass3 THEN add3 IF sect_pass2 = sect_pass3 THEN add2 check2: 'SEROUT 11,84, [noparse][[/noparse]$0C, "section 2 full"] DEBUG CR DEBUG CR, "section 2 full",CR IF sect_pass1 < sect_pass3 THEN add1 IF sect_pass1 > sect_pass3 THEN add3 IF sect_pass1 = sect_pass3 THEN add1 check3: 'SEROUT 11,84, [noparse][[/noparse]$0C, "section 3 full"] DEBUG CR DEBUG CR, "section 3 full",CR IF sect_pass1 < sect_pass2 THEN add1 IF sect_pass1 > sect_pass2 THEN add2 IF sect_pass1 = sect_pass2 THEN add1 full: 'stops program when plane is full SEROUT 11,84, [noparse][[/noparse]$0C, "plane has reached weight limit"] DEBUG CR DEBUG CR, "plane has reached weight limit" END
all that it does is constantly add to bucket 2. i did assign numbers into the variable as a test run with total1=2 and total2= 4. when i did that it added to total3. does anybody know the problem?
Post Edited (grkblood13) : 4/17/2007 6:19:30 PM GMT
Secondly -- you set Pit1, Pit2, and Pit2 all to point to EEPROM location zero, so they'll be over-writing each other.
Third -- you DO use a 'GOSUB begin' -- which should probably be a GOTO, since 'begin' never has a 'RETURN'.
Fourthly -- in a couple of places you check if aircraft_weight is equal to a value, then if it's greater than a value.· You can do that in one statement.
So -- it looks like you're loading an airplane.· Each passenger gets weighed, and depending on which part of the plane is lightest, the passenger gets sent to that part of the plane.
Why you're using the WRITE keyword (which writes to eeprom, which only allows a million writes to a location before you can't write that location any more) I can't tell, since you never READ the eeprom or send out the results.
Post Edited (allanlane5) : 4/17/2007 6:54:39 PM GMT
You're trying to put the next passenger into the lightest section of the plane.
So if total1 < total2, AND total1 < total3, THEN, the first section is lightest, stick them there.
If that's NOT true, then
IF Total2 < Total1 AND total2 < total3, THEN, the middle section is lightest, stick them there.
If THAT is not true, then
Total3 MUST be lightest?
I'll have to do a truth table for that, but what you're doing should work.
IF (total1 = total2 = total3) THEN add2 'they equal so add to pit2'
it actually had to be...
IF (total1 = total2) AND (total1= total3) THEN add2 'they equal so add to pit2'
ocne i turn it in torromow ill post the entire code. this is about half of it. i dont think its too bad though. i had to teach myself and it was the first time using basic so...I guess that explains anything.