Is it possible to use a BASIC Stamp 2 to control a computer monitor directly?
Ok, everyone, do you think it would be possible to control a basic VGA CRT computer monitor using a BASIC Stamp 2's outputs? If so, do you have any advice for me?
The closest thing is the Propeller which works very well with a VGA CRT, can display text and some graphics (limited by available memory), but it has 32K of memory including a 32K ROM with a text font included in it and runs at an 80MHz system clock. It has 8 identical processors on the chip and 2 of them are needed to produce the VGA output along with another for the main program.
For $40, you can get a Propeller Protoboard with the Accessory Kit, do a little soldering, download the manual and Propeller Tool, and have a VGA display device that you could use by itself or plug in a BS2 and use the Propeller as a VGA terminal for the Stamp.
Post Edited (Mike Green) : 4/17/2007 1:03:36 AM GMT
Nice serial-command driven VGA video card.· Has some sample BS2 code on the website.