Test flight OK
Test flight went OK on friday, I'm waiting for the video person to give us a dvd so I can rip & upload it.
UPDATE: Here's the videos for the plane! Videos for the boat forthcoming (they need editing to remove me having to swim after the boat, nobody wants to see a naked hairy guy)
Post Edited (M. K. Borri) : 4/19/2007 9:36:15 PM GMT
UPDATE: Here's the videos for the plane! Videos for the boat forthcoming (they need editing to remove me having to swim after the boat, nobody wants to see a naked hairy guy)
Post Edited (M. K. Borri) : 4/19/2007 9:36:15 PM GMT
that great to hear. Dev of my UAV software return home has slowed due to that pesky job...
I hope your success continues.
Quik question -- what format is preferred? avi, mpeg, qt...?
But of your list, mpeg is the least amount of hassle in re codecs and platform issues.
Paul Baker
Propeller Applications Engineer
Parallax, Inc.
Post Edited (Paul Baker (Parallax)) : 4/18/2007 8:58:53 PM GMT
How do I convert from quicktime to youtube? I have quicktime files for now.
Paul Baker
Propeller Applications Engineer
Parallax, Inc.
Sorry it took this long!
Good luck if this is it!
The UAV contest link was:
Prop talks to sensors and to GPS, does interpolation, steers (rudder only right now), determines drop distance.
When your able (I understand its a school project?) I'd love to see/use some of your code snips - I still need to properly parse the $GPRMC string into numbers for my nav calcs (which I also still need...lol) for my come-home feature of my first-person UAV. At least I am able to capture and pass servo data.
The prop seems to have enough power to also use the TV text for an OSD. I hope it does!
I used to use the TV for that, but switched to serial telemetry.
While you are waiting for next years contest to roll around...
The largest British tabloid... the Sun... is having problems in Romania.
I started out carrying news papers at the age of 6... best job I ever had.
I'm not generally in favor of replacing our paper carriers with robots... but your truck looks like a viable option in Romania.
Possibly you could get a grant to further the concept.
The Sun is owned by News Group Ltd...http://www.thesun.co.uk/section/0,,22,00.html
Nice work!!
Yes you did get it to me (thanks again) though I have not given it the proper time to be implemented in my project. Looking forward to seeing the rest. You can post it in the Completed Projects section if you so choose.
Congrats on your graduation! Put you degree to good use and make lots of money
I'll release code & schematics this Saturday, aka as soon as I'm allowed to by the uni.
www.youtube.com/watch?v=AIbPvxf3hrk (it;s exactly the same video)
Post Edited (M. K. Borri) : 4/26/2007 8:16:48 AM GMT
I don't suppose you have anything amphibious?
BassMaster is always looking for a new way to attract fish... and he has some great concepts.
How about a robot fishing contest?
Here's the AI calculating the drop point for a lawn dart falling from a RC plane:
BTW: I type as I'm thinking, so please don't take any offense at my writing style
You'll always have as many take-offs as landings, the trick is to be sure you can take-off again ;-)