stamp controlled pcb drill
Posts: 270
Hello, I would like to contruct a stamp controlled pcb drill machine. Any suggestions for getting started? I see that parallax offers stepper motors. Has anyone built one?
- Stephen
1. I am only familiar with the bs2. Will this be adequete?
2. I am also curious about a source for couplers for the stepper motors. I plan to couple the motors to allthread for the x y movements, unless someone has a better suggestion.
- Rick
If you want to travel 1 inch, that is 50150 pulses, which is approaching the limit of Stamp's capability.· If you want to travel 1.5 inches, it takes one command to travel 1000 mils and a second command to travel the remaining 500·mils.· With the Propeller and its 32 bit number, I can travel 6000 mils, which is the X limit of my mill.·
Now suppose I want to travel 749 mils.·· With the Stamp I would write:
pulses = 5015*/$077D = 35,731 pulses
With the Propeller I write:
pulses = (749 * 5015)/100 = 37,562
That is a difference of· 169 pulses, which is about 3 mils.· I could go on but I think you get the idea.· Run some math where you are limited to 65535 for the Stamp, then run the same math where you are limited to 4,294,000,000 with the Propeller.
If you have any question about my SuperMill, I will be happy to answer them.
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That is why they call it the present.
Don't have VGA?