Making pin 'virtual ground'
Posts: 2
Is there a way to tie an IO Pin on the STAMP to ground? (through coding, not a physical connection )
I am trying to control a device using the basic stamp that requires I short two wires. After some thinking, I realized this is not possible on the stamp without the use of a relay. I investigated the device I am controlling and found one of the wires is the same as ground.
So, this means that if I can ground the other wire, I make the 'connection' that I need, and activate the corresponding function on the device.
So, long story short, is there a way to make one of the STAMP's pins look like ground?
I am not in my lab at the moment, so I apologize about posting this idea without testing it first, but:
If I set a pin on the STAMP as an input, will it look like a virtual ground that flows very little current?
Is there some other way I could do this without the use of a relay?
Thank you in advance,
Is there a way to tie an IO Pin on the STAMP to ground? (through coding, not a physical connection )
I am trying to control a device using the basic stamp that requires I short two wires. After some thinking, I realized this is not possible on the stamp without the use of a relay. I investigated the device I am controlling and found one of the wires is the same as ground.
So, this means that if I can ground the other wire, I make the 'connection' that I need, and activate the corresponding function on the device.
So, long story short, is there a way to make one of the STAMP's pins look like ground?
I am not in my lab at the moment, so I apologize about posting this idea without testing it first, but:
If I set a pin on the STAMP as an input, will it look like a virtual ground that flows very little current?
Is there some other way I could do this without the use of a relay?
Thank you in advance,
HIGH,5 'makes pin 5, 5 Volts
INPUT,3 'makes pin 3, open
Tom Sisk
Chris Savage
Parallax Tech Support
It looks like the STAMP can't do it on its own. I tried making a pin low, but it does not activate the device when connected to it - probably not enough current.
I was hoping not to need any other components, but your suggestion seems to be the easiest Chris. Looks like I have to go scavenging for a transistor array!