Dissappearing Topics
Twice now I've had topics dissappear from the porpeller forum. One minute I'm in the topic reading the posts and go somewhere else and when I come back to the forum the topic is no longer there. What's up?
Three possibilities exist here…
1) The thread was off topic and the moderator moved it (primary moderator of Propeller Forum is Paul Baker). Generally if we move a thread because it is off topic we first post a message that it is being moved. If you posted in the thread or know who posted it you can find its new location by clicking on the member’s profile from the Member List and see their last posts or yours.
2) The original poster deleted the message. I have seen people do this when they get no replies. Of course, once the thread has replies it can only be removed by a moderator and we try not to do this unless the thread contains SPAM or offensive language.
3) There is a problem with the forums. While doubtful it is possible and we can look into it. It would help to know which threads (what they were about) are missing and who posted them or if you replied in them.
Take care.
Chris Savage
Parallax Tech Support
I think we can eliminate 1 & 2 as possibilties.
I found 2 different versions of the same post while I did the SX index.·One through searching the threads the other from the Parallax Google search engine. What was really wierd was the·thread, was already part of the list. But the google·version had a Jon Williams entry, in the early part of the thread. That comment increased it's worth as a "Best thread"·(2 different url's )
Sometimes you need to hit REFRESH (on your browser) to get the currrent copy. If you are using IE, SHIFT REFRESH will GUARANTEE a new copy regardless of how you have set the options for IE.
Bruce Bates