Concealing Ping)))
I would like to conceal Ping))) in a fixed position as descretely as possible to sense an approaching object. BS2 outputs would vary depending on distance.
Can it operate through anything like very loosely knit fabric or does the emmiter and receiver·have to be totally unobstructed ?
Can it operate through anything like very loosely knit fabric or does the emmiter and receiver·have to be totally unobstructed ?
Anything shrouding the transducers will adversely affect the performance. If you’re trying to conceal it remember there is a bright flashing LED during normal operation. Also bear in mind that if you’re trying to detect people we don’t make good reflectors of ultrasonic sound. Clothing and skin tend to absorb the pulses rather than reflect them so you will no doubt get unreliable readings. Take care.
Chris Savage
Parallax Tech Support
I read all I could find about the PIR sensor and there is no mention of it's field of view. Range is about 20'.
·Can the field of view be narrowed with an extension tube or blinders ? (like on a draught horse)
If so, several could be mounted on adjacent walls of a room, and if they didn't overlap, (much) ·it would create a grid.····Any moving object in this space would trigger one sensor on each wall. This would give the stamp an X Y coordinate which outputs could be programmed for whatever function necessary. For instance tracking or panning with a camera or whatever.
This is my basic plan, not out of necessity, just for a learning experience.
If there is a more practical approach or if someone has been there and done that, I'd appreciate the input.
Thanks Chris,
Thanks all,
I believe Vern on the forums here has demonstrated using PVC pipe to obscure the FOV of the PING))). You certainly can use it to do that. Take care.
Chris Savage
Parallax Tech Support
Thanks for the input. I tried to attach a photo of preliminary set-up using·4 tactile switches to simulate 4 PIR's,2 on adjacent walls. Output is to enable, step and dir. of motor driver. There will be 4 on each wall creating 16 target zones. Im working on the code. It·will pan in one dir, wont come back. I think I need a pulse generator or some way to have the BS2 keep track of where the motor is so it will know which way to go next.
Thanks Chris,
So if right =1
Pan right until right=0, center=1
and vice versa.
Less hardware, simpler code.
Chris Savage
Parallax Tech Support
Can anyone confirm....?
Chris Savage
Parallax Tech Support