PCF8583 clock/cal for PE kit
Posts: 3,837
I just got a couple of these chips, and·I would like to try it·out on the PE kit. The problem I am having is with the actual wiring part, anybody have any ideas as to how it should be wired to be address A1. Since the main eeprom address is A0, I do not want the clock/cal to be A0. I was thinking that pin 3, which is A0, should be left open, meaning nothing is connected, but I am not sure about that. I hope I can get this to be something other than A0.
After looking at the data sheet, on the first page, under features -
slave address,
· read A1 or A3
· write A0 or A2
I interpret that to mean pin 3 pulled low (ground), the address would be A0 write, and A1 read. The pin 3 pulled high (5V), the address would be A2 write, and A3 read. In your post when you mentioned A2, and A3, I kind of got lost, but now I think I got it straight. Now, the fun part starts, how do I program for this chip.
The other feature of this chip is the 256 x 8-bit static RAM (32KB). Now, I am wondering, do I treat this like EEPROM or, are their other possibilities with this. The first thing that came to mind was a static ram disk, maybe with eight 4KB file system, or some other combination. Or can this be an extension for the main ram. I wonder what else could be done. This is most likely beyond my capabilities, but, what·the heck.
This sounds like a neat little chip, has anybody used this with the propeller?
I was amused how you interpreted 256 times 8-bit wide RAM to mean 32KB, I wish it was sometimes. The I2C bus is way too slow to consider using for any kind of RAM disk anyway.
I just wrote an object for that same chip, see this thread
Attached is my code, that I know works. It isn't clean, as I simply wanted to get it going. I do plan to convert it completely to assembly, other than the output. You'll need to use a TV to see it, so if you're hooked up with VGA, it won't work.
I'll be glad to answer any questions, as it took me longer than I am proud of to get it going. I know it pretty well now.
PS - There is a trick to reading it. I highlight the trick in the post above. I hope it will save you the 4 hours I lost to it...