20mV is high???
Posts: 31
hey, can any1 tell me why this program for a set of tripwires wont read IN9 as 0 when it trips low to 20mV?
Aircraft_Ident VAR Word Aircraft_pass VAR Word Current_weight VAR Word Aircraft_weight VAR Word Yes_No VAR Bit begin: IF IN9 = 0 AND IN10 = 1 THEN calc 'tells program to weigh' IF IN9 = 1 AND IN10 = 0 THEN standby 'someone is walking through scale backwards' IF IN9 = 1 AND IN10 = 1 THEN begin 'loops tripwire' standby: DO IF IN9 = 1 OR IN10 = 1 THEN begin 'this is just to make sure there are no glitches' LOOP calc: location CON 0 i VAR Nib total VAR Word Aircraft_Ident = 0 Aircraft_Ident = 50 'test value DEBUG DEC Aircraft_Ident PAUSE 1000 'delay to compensate for time to get on scale' total = 0 FOR i = 1 TO 15 total = total + (INS & $01FF) - Aircraft_Ident 'takes reading from IN0 - IN8' PAUSE 100 'this delay is because the converter is running at 10 Hz' NEXT total = total / 15 WRITE location,total DEBUG CR, DEC total
StampPlot - GUI and Plotting, and XBee Wireless Adapters
Southern Illinois University Carbondale, Electronic Systems Technologies
Chris Savage
Parallax Tech Support
but i think it might be fried, i tried writing
LOW 10
P10 would read low but P9 would read like 5 volts on the multimeter